J/Kopay Christian college.
An animal is called endangered when there are so few of its kind left that it could disappear from the planet altogether and become extinct. What is an endangered Animal?
Why do animals become endangered?
Endangered species in India Cheetah Cheetah has been listed as endangered animal. Cheetah is a rare protected animal of India. Its number is getting reduced day by day due to the destruction of their shelter. It is killed for the sale of its teeth and skin.
Endangered species in India Black buck also known as Kala Hiran is a species of antelope found mainly in India. species of antelope It is one of the most beautiful and graceful animals of antelope species in India. Due to extensive poaching and habitat loss, black buck populations have been reduced drastically. Black Buck
Endangered species in India The Nilgiri Langur found in the Nilgiri Hills of the Western Ghats in South India. Western Ghats Its range also includes Kodagu in Karnataka, Palani Hills in Tamil Nadu and many other hilly areas in Kerala. Which is endangered due to deforestation and poaching for its fur and flesh. Nilgiri Langur
Endangered species in India Asiatic wild dogs is also called the whistling hunter, because it has an extraordinary vocal call. It is estimated that only 2500 Dholes are left in the wild. Threats to the dhole species include habitat destruction and loss of its main prey. Indian Wild Dog
Endangered species in Nepal Red panda It is found at the height of 3,500 meters in the forest of bamboo. It lives in cool temperate climate it survives by eating grass, fruit and pulp of bamboo and cane. It is hunted for its beautiful skin with soft and fine hair..
Endangered species in Nepal It is found in Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park are the main shelters of it in Nepal. It likes the place of wet grassland,green grass and different kinds of fruits are its food. It is hunted because of special importance of its horn, foot nail and skin. One-horned rhinoceros
Endangered species in Nepal Bengal tiger is found in the forest of Terai region Nepal. It is also protected animal in Nepal. This tiger refers the dense forest, meadow and wetland It is in endangered stade due to its illegal smuggling. Its life span is about 15 years. Bengal tiger (Pate Bagh)
Endangered species in Nepal The Asiatic Rock Python is a large snake, generally found in the dense forest in Nepal. It is one of the rare and protected creature. Expensive belts, bags and other articles are made from its skin. This is the reason why it is hunted. Asiatic Rock Python
Endangered species in Australia The dingo is an Australian wild dog. It is the largest carnivore in Australia today. Dingoes are now considered to be native Australian mammals that are protected in many regions because they probably play a vital role in ecosystems. It is killed for the sale of its teeth and skin. dingo
Endangered species in Australia The wombat is a nocturnal herbivorous burrowing marsupial mammal.nocturnalmarsupial The common wombat lives in temperate forests and grasslands of eastern Australia. The major threats to the wombat today are dingoes, foxes and humans. dingoesfoxes wombat
Endangered species in Australia The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat. The koala is a marsupial mammal. The reason the koala is called a koala bear is because the koala looks like a teddy bear. Koalas are endangered because of traffic death, habitat destruction. koala
Endangered species in Australia Spotted tree frogs Found in mountainous regions ranging from m above sea level, the frog often inhabits rocky areas close to streams. It can grow up to 6cm in length, and are usually grey-green to olive-green in colour. Disease is a major cause of the frogs demise. Spotted tree frog
Wild water buffalo are physically bigger than common water buffalo, and have bigger horns too. It is a dangerous animal. It is hunted because of its horn, skin and meat. Endangered species in Srilanka Wild Water buffalo
Spotted deer usually feed on grass. But during the dry season they can be seen standing on their hind legs eating leaves from low-hanging branches. It is hunted by the other animals,And humans for its valuable skin. Endangered species in Srilanka Spotted deer
it is a shy creature and will usually disappear into the jungle quickly. The ruddy mongoose is characterized by a brown body and a black-tipped tail. Disease is a major cause of the ruddy mongoose demise. Endangered species in Srilanka Ruddy mongoose
The Sri Lankan sloth bear is a highly endangered subspecies of sloth bear, with dwindling numbers due to human intervention. Sloth bears are omnivorous, feeding on insects, meat, carrion, berries, and nuts. it is endangered because of the habitat lose and global warming. Endangered species in Srilanka sloth bear
Why should we save endangered Animal? Because of the food chain Some animals produce oxen They have right to live For Agriculture they contribute to medicine For biodiversity