Managing the School Census and Other Data Collections 1 st July 2016 Briefing Session
Welcome and Introduction Feysia Demie
LA Briefing Session Agenda 09:30Registration & Refreshments 10.00Welcome & Introduction – Feyisa Demie 10.10Update from Richard Charlton 10.15Software and SIMS Update– David Fisher 10:20School Census 2016 – 2017 collections – David Fisher/Anne Taplin New Data Items Amendments to existing data items Questions?? 11:30Changes to School Workforce Census – David Fisher/Andy Hau November :45Changes to Edubase 12:00Final Questions and Comments
Technical Update Richard Charlton
SIMS Update David Fisher All Schools The upgrade to SIMS 1.70 will only be deployed by via SOLUS 3. Secondary Schools Schools MUST have their update deployed BEFORE Exam download day.
New Features in SIMS David Fisher Home Language, is no longer required and this can now been hidden by the turning it off by the route Tools | Setups | School Options
New Features in SIMS David Fisher It is now possible to record the parents NI number and date of birth Date of birth is recorded is the contacts basic details, and the NI number can be recorded in the Job details area.
School Census Dates of Census Autumn 2016 Reference Date: 6 th October 2016 Upload to LA by: 21 st October 2016 Spring 2017 Reference Date: 19 th January 2017 Upload to LA by: 4 th February 2017 Summer 2017 Reference Date: 18 th May 2017 Upload to LA by: 26 th May 2017
School Census 2016 – 17 New Data Items Proficiency in English Where the first language is not ENG or ENB Then Proficiency of English must be recorded. Please note in the past Caribbean Creole English has been defined as English by the LA and Education Dept in the past, we are awaiting confirmation on whether the rules have changed on CCE.
School Census Proficiency in English Lambeth has been gathering this data since 1990! But the DfE codes are different The valid codes to be selected will be
School Census Proficiency in English The use of the N code is acceptable in the October Census, but it required that all assessments are completed by the January Census The N code can also be used for those pupils that are dual registered with another school e.g. a PRU
School Census Proficiency in English Validation Validation Errors / Queries will be created in the following situations: –If a pupil is not ENB or ENG and there is no Proficiency in English recorded –Proficiency in English is recorded and the pupil has not defined as being EAL –A pupil that has been recorded as EAL and has a First Language of ENG or ENB
School Census Pupil Nationality and Country of Birth –Both these fields share a common list of countries Pupil Nationality will be based on the entry in a passport Country of Birth is going to be based on a birth certificate –It is likely that in most cases both entries will be the same –It is possible to select a value of “stateless” –It is also possible to add more than one nationality
School Census Bulk Update of EAL and Proficiency in English in SIMS Use the route Routines / Pupil / Bulk Update OR Routines / Student / Bulk Update
School Census Bulk Update of EAL in SIMS
School Census Bulk Update of EAL in SIMS
School Census Bulk Update of Proficiency in English in SIMS
School Census Bulk Update of Proficiency in English in SIMS
School Census Traineeships Schools with secondary aged students A traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience that unlocks the great potential of young people and prepares them for their future careers by helping them to become ‘work ready’. Designed to help young people aged 16 to 24 who don’t yet have the appropriate skills or experience, traineeships provide the essential work preparation training, English, maths and work experience needed to secure an apprenticeship or employment.
School Census Traineeships Schools with secondary aged students
School Census Traineeships Schools with secondary aged students
School Census UKPRN Unique Property Reference Number This is not a mandatory field for 2016 – 2017 The government has paid for the address validation utilities to be updated so that this field can be gathered without school admin time. There will be another update of these files in July 2016.
School Census Data Items that will not be gathered School Address, this will be picked up from Edubase in future In Care Indicator
School Census Modifications to existing data items –Pupil Ethnicity and First Language is now gathered for all pupils, not just those over 5. –Special Schools are now reporting Attendance every term not just once a year. –‘Adopted from Care’ has been changed to ‘Post looked after arrangements’. –The Appeals panel has been modified to allow for all through schools
School Census Modifications to existing data items, Secondary QAN – Qualification Accreditation Number has been changed to QN – Qualification Number ‘Discount Code’ and been renamed as ‘Subject Classification Code’
School Census Modifications to existing data items, Early Years Settings Funded Hours is now only going to be collected for those 3 and under. Funded Hours will no longer be collected for Reception pupils.
School Census Modifications to existing data items, Early Years Settings Changes to curriculum years –E1 for 0 to 1 year olds –E2 for 1 to 2 year olds –N1 for 2 to 3 year olds –N2 for 3 to 4 year olds
School Census Questions
School Workforce Census Dates of Census Autumn 2016 Reference Date: 3 rd November 2016 Upload to LA by: 18 th November 2016
School Workforce Census Changes made Regional Pay Ranges no longer collected A new staff absence code PRG Pregnancy Related
School Workforce Census Staff Vacancies In a local authority maintained school a teacher vacancy is one where the applicant will be expected to have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) or to be an Overseas Trained Teacher, see the department’s website for details. For academies and free schools QTS is not required for teaching posts but these schools must return data on those vacancies, which if they occurred in a local authority maintained school, would be filled by teachers with QTS or who were Overseas Trained Teachers.
School Workforce Census Questions
Edubase Updates
EDUBASE Updates Schools and LA’s will only be able to access Edubase via their secure access portal Schools now need to update there records every 60 to 90 days. If you have not updated the details in 90 days then the following message will appear Access to S2S has been temporarily restricted because your EduBase establishment record has not been updated or confirmed as correct for at least 90 days. The restrictions will be removed immediately once this has been done.
Trust and Sponsor Details
EDUBASE Governance Details