WebODF online and offline office ODFKit
What does WebKit provide? WebODF online and offline office What does WebKit provide? Framework abstraction Code generation Javascript binding via IDL XML parsing, XSLT processing Extensive unit testing No notes to add here.
What will we implement in ODFKit? WebODF online and offline office What will we implement in ODFKit? Reading ODF Writing ODF Creating ODF Modifying ODF Cherry pick lpOD and ODFDOM You can stress it is a simple project initially, with the aim of getting a simple but good API first. The result should be a library that people can use to make command-line and graphical applications that use ODF. Eventually this should be as easy as using WebKit to add HTML support to your application.
First three Implementations WebODF online and offline office First three Implementations HTML5 QtWebKit ODFKit Javascript Javascript and QtObject Javascript and C++ Quick to prototype Desktop integration Patch to WebKit This is important! We use WebODF as tool to improve the ODFKit API. We do this by implementing the code 3 times. The table shows the different approaches. Other easy options: Firefox extension, Android, Iphone, C#, C++,
DOM WebODF mimetype online and offline office mimetype application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text meta.xml <office:document-meta office:version='1.2'/> settings.xml <office:document-settings office:version='1.2'/> styles.xml <office:document-styles office:version='1.2'> <office:font-face-decls/> <office:styles/> <office:automatic-styles/> <office:master-styles/> </office:document-styles> content.xml <office:document-content office:version='1.2> <office:scripts/> <office:body/> </office:document-content>
DOM WebODF online and offline office <office:document office:mimetype= "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" office:version='1.2'> <office:meta/> <office:settings /> <office:scripts /> <office:font-face-decls /> <office:styles /> <office:automatic-styles /> <office:master-styles /> <office:body /> </office:document> WebODF online and offline office flat content.xml styles.xml meta.xml settings.xml mimetype ✔ version <o:meta> <o:settings> <o:scripts> <o:font-face-decls> <o:styles> <o:automatic-styles> <o:master-styles> <o:body>
<office:document> WebODF online and offline office <office:document> Images are inline <office:binary-data> No separate RDF files Embedded ODF documents are in the same file