The Lawful and Unlawful What is considered “awrah” and adornment
Looking at the awrah (nakedness) of another is forbidden in Islam. Arawh refers to those parts of the body which Islam requires to be covered in front of others whether of the same or the opposite sex The Prophet forbade that any person should look at the 'awrah of another, whether of the same or the opposite sex, and whether with or without desire, saying, “A man should not look at the 'awrah of another man, nor a woman of a woman, nor should a man go under one cloth with another man, nor a woman with another woman. “ (Reported by Muslim) Again, Allah makes the laws as a protection for us
The 'awrah of a man referred to in the mentioned hadith is from his navel to his knee For a woman, her 'awrah is her entire body excepting only her face and hands What it is haram to look at is also haram to touch. This is why shaking hands with the opposite sex is forbidden The only exceptions to this is in the case of medical treatment and the likes
So thus, a woman may look at a man's body, apart from his 'awrah, which is from the navel to the knee, provided that her looking is free of lust and involved no temptation The Prophet let 'Aishah watch the Abyssinians while they were engaging in spear play in the courtyard of the Prophet's mosque; she watched their performance until she had enough and retired. (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim} So thus watching actors and the likes is permissible as long as no lust or temptation is involved. Similarly, a man is permitted to look at a woman's face and hands, since they are not part of her 'awrah, provided that the looking is without lust and that no temptation is feared.
So what is considered “adornment” of the woman? Allah says: “That they should...not display their adornment, except that which is apparent of it.” (24:31) The adornment of women includes both natural features such as the face, hair, and other attractive parts of the body, and artificial enhancement of beauty, such as the dress, ornaments, make-up, and the like. In this noble ayah Allah commands women not to show their adornment "except that which is apparent of it." There is some difference of opinion among scholars concerning the extent of this exception. Does it mean what is exposed by necessity and without intention, for example, if the wind exposes some part? Or does it mean what is customarily, or instinctively, or by its very nature exposed?
We will look to the opinion of the companions in answer for no one understand this deen better than they Ibn 'Abbas interprets "except what is apparent of it" to mean kohl and a ring, meaning face and hands Anas has said it means the permissibility of showing the face and hands. Sa'id ibn Jubayr, 'Ata and al-Awzai have stated explicitly that the showing of the face and hands is permissible. 'Aishah the wife of the prophet, Qatadah, and others have said not only face and hands but bracelets too thus implying that a part of the arm may be seen as well. Various scholars have allowed the exposure of the lower part of the arm up to a length varying between about four inches to one-half of the arm all based on the interpretation of the companions above
Of the original companions, Ibn Masud had a stricter view and and this is the view shared by Imam Ahmed. Please note Ibn Masud was the only companion with this view And that is that all must be covered including hands and face. The Majority of the scholars follow the view of the other companions that what Is meant by this verse is that the face, hands, Khol and Jewelry are allowed because they fall in the category of “that which is apparent.” Khol is a make-up and In regards to make-up - women must not exceed the limits by decorating themselves to look like prostitutes to gain attention from men. The purpose of make up is to hide ones flaws not to accentuate - So if worn correctly, make up would not be excessive.
It is obligatory for the Muslim woman to cover her head, breasts, and neck completely so that nothing of them can be seen by onlookers Allah says, “...And not display their adornment except to their husbands or their fathers.... “ (24:31) Again adornment here is in reference to other than face hands kohl and Jewelry Also Allah says: “ ..That they should draw their head- coverings over their bosoms.... “ (24:31) This injunction prohibits women to show their concealed adornments, such as the ears, hair, neck, breasts, or legs, to men who are outside the mahrem relationship.
The only men allowed to see more of her than that are her mahrems So thus we learn the meaning of awrah as understood by the best of this nation – the companions of the Prophet (sa) Everything of the womans body must be covered publicly except for the face and hands. The only men allowed to see more of her than that are her mahrems Make up and jewelry can be worn publicly by women, but we must keep in mind to avoid excesses as a prostitute attracting men.