Roles and Relationships
Summarize Using I-messages, self-talk and appropriate body language will help you express emotions appropriately and build healthy relationships.
Skills for Developing Good Emotional Health Communicating emotions appropriately. Developing healthy, supportive relationships with peers and adults. Knowing how to cope with stressful situations. Setting short-term and long-term goals and taking action to achieve them. Advocating for health and helping others.
Complete and Share Meet with a partner and develop a list of characteristics of a healthy relationship.
Characteristics of healthy relationships include: Honesty Trust Care and Concern Sharing Experiences Being Accepting of One Another Getting and Providing Support Getting and Providing Advice Being a Good Listener
Ask and Discuss How can having healthy relationships improve your emotional health?
Summarize Friends, family, and school and work relationships form a basis for good emotional health. You feel good about yourself when you have good relationships with others. Getting support and supporting others is important to good emotional health.
Complete and Share Turn to “Relationships and Roles”. Follow the directions and complete the sheet.
Ask and Discuss What did you learn from this activity?
Summarize There are many types of relationships in your life. Your emotional health can be improved with the support you get from your relationships. You can also improve your emotional health through what you give in relationships. Helping and supporting others makes people feel good.
Complete and Share Find a partner and create a list of specific things that you do in a relationship that make you feel good about yourself.
Summarize Demonstrating that we are capable of giving and receiving in relationships helps develop good mental health.