Genome Wide Association Studies Zhiwu Zhang Washington State University
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Hosts: 25 Guests: 25 Online: ?
Teaching team Xiaolei Liu Guanghui HuJiabo WangMeijing LiangYou Tang
Thanks to organizers Shuhong ZhaoMei Yu
Beginners: Data process and tool selection Experienced: Method selection and result interpretation Advanced: Modeling and maximization of data values Developers: genetic models, statistical models, coding and software engineering Attendants
Mechanism of GWAS, pros and cons Experiment design: false discoveries, power and accuracy Analyses: methods and tools Reasoning and critical thinking Motivated through reinventing Objectives
Grade PercentageLetter 93%-100%A 90%-93%A- 87%-90%B+ 83%-87%B 80%-83%B- 77%-80%C+ 73%-77%C 70%-73%C- 66%-70%D+ 60%-66%D 0%-60%F Certificate
Participation Score No question, no discussion0% Question or discussion occasionally25% Question actively50% Discussion actively75% Question AND discussion actively100%
Assignments: five in total Due 5:00PM, Monday to Thursday Submit by PDF Report and R source code separately PDF report is limited to five pages. R source code should set seed for replicate of report No late submission accepted. Answers are given on next day Your homework may be selected for demonstration Homework
1.Hypotheses/statement 2.What did you observed (Results) 3.How to replicate your findings (Method) 4.Presentation: Description, figures and tables 5.R source code Homework components each takes 20%
Hypothesis (demo)
Result (demo)
Method (demo)
Presentation (demo)
007%2F Text book
Human genome Human genome 2 nd Generation Sequencing 2 nd Generation Sequencing
More Research on GWAS and GS By May 31, 2013
As fast as one season 50~300 kb resolution
Computing difficulties: millions of markers, individuals, and traits False positives, ex: “Amgen scientists tried to replicate 53 high-profile cancer research findings, but could only replicate 6”, Nature, 2012, 483: 531 False negatives Problems in GWAS
Associations on flowering time
2/3 of Statistical Genomics at WSU
Schedule Lecture SectionTitleRemark 17/4/16FundamentalSyllabus, introduction, and R (L01, L02) 27/4/16 Random variables and distribution (L03)HW1 37/5/16 Statistical inference (L04) 47/5/16 Linear algebra (L05)HW2 57/6/16 Genetic architecture and simulation of phenotype (L08) 67/6/16GWASMechanism of GWAS (L09, L10)HW3 77/7/16 Power, type I error and False Discovery Rate (L11) 87/7/16 General Linear Model (GLM) (L13)HW4 97/8/16 Structure and Kinship (L12, L14) 107/8/16 Mixed Linear Model (MLM) and Compression (L15, L16)HW5 117/9/16 SUPER GWAS method (L19) 127/9/16 FarmCPU (L21)Exam (L##: CROPS545 lecture number)
Morning: Theory Afternoon: Practice and homework Evening: Preparation Phases
Active participation + HWs + Exam GWAS: Very active for research and application Rapid development Highlight