Proposal for a Hydrotherapy Pool for West Berkshire An enduring community facility for 800 users each week For further information please contact John Holt September 2007
What is hydrotherapy? Physiotherapy in water Therapy that cannot be delivered on dry land
Who benefits? Stroke Cancer Arthritis Rheumatism Amputees Orthopaedics Joint replacements Ante and post natal Learning difficulties ……..
Who benefits? Head injuries Spinal injuries Parkinson’s Motor Neurone Disease Multiple Sclerosis Spina bifida Huntington’s Late effects of polio Muscular dystrophy ……..
Who benefits? Football Rugby Cycling Jockeys Hockey Athletics Anyone may develop a need for hydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy, for health and well-being …. Restore lost muscle power Maintain muscle power – Improve walking or gait – Improve ability to stand – Ability to bend and turn Out of hospital Back to work Back to sport Safer pregnancy
How big an unmet need? Independent study indicates 800 users each week Central location important 20 user pool = 80 sq m Open 50+ hours / week Location, cost and marketing affects numbers
Pool features …. Water at 32-37C Hoists, ramps, steps 1 in 30 gradient floor Depth mm Working space around pool Space for therapists Therapeutic environment Not a swimming pool Not a bubble bath
Some issues to get right …. Water quality and conservation Energy conservation Air humidity control Air temperature Lighting and glare Therapeutic environment Access Location Health and safety
Construction costs …. Depends on final size Invest to save energy costs £800,000? Requires half acre of land The proposal already has major backers More support always welcome!
Likely staff and structure Social Enterprise – Members – Stakeholders – Board of trustees Director / Manager Maintenance & cleaning Reception Therapists – (retained, visiting) Assistants & trainees Volunteers
Why Social Enterprise? Run on commercial lines No shareholder dividends Profits go back into the business The more who use the pool the lower the prices
Income sources Lettings – Groups: existing, ad hoc – Individuals – Private therapists – Non hydrotherapy use Sale of energy Support grants Support from members ‘Friends of the hydro pool’
Independent professional feasibility study December 06 Unmet need quantified – 800 users each week All issues can be addressed Outline business plan clear ‘Central’ location important
Who is already involved? West Berks Neurological Alliance West Berks Disability Alliance Community Action W Berks Greenham Common Trust Berkshire Social Enterprise Berkshire Community Foundation European Social Fund
Activities planned for autumn 2007 Secure letters of support from key stakeholders Recruit trustees to run the social enterprise Establish the legal entity of the social enterprise Continue negotiations to secure a long lease on suitable half an acre of land Encourage offers of funding
Who is interested? organisations Therapists Hospital staff Members of the public To find out more please contact John Holt