Federal - State Workgroup Kick-Off
33 Meet the work group members Define our purpose and mission Discuss your critical role Discuss our deliverables & timeline Get your ideas Answer your questions
44 National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) Employment and Training Committee Unemployment Insurance Committee Staff Employment and Training Administration Office of Unemployment Insurance Office of Workforce Investment Regional offices At-Large State Administrator Representative
55 Mission/Objectives Team Membership and Roles Timeline Deliverables
66 We’ll develop a model work search law that ensures claimant work search activities: Help claimants get good jobs Meet the state’s eligibility requirements for UI Reflect the way that individuals search for work and get jobs in the current labor market; Connect UI claimants to the services provided by the public workforce system; Support the requirement that the claimant actively search for work for every week certified; Are documented and verifiable; and Ensure claimants are actively seeking work.
88 Activity JuneAugustSept /OctBeyond Kick Off Webinar Today Planning Session in Washington, DC August Conference Call #1TBD Conference Call # 2TBD On-Going ActivitiesTBD
99 Bring us your “hearts and minds” Your skills and insights are critical to the process! Engage positively in planning session Help us to research “as-is” and “promising practices” in the form of potential solutions Lend us your personal support as we engage with solutions and advocate for adoption
Elements of a model work search law; 2. Identification of links to available resources to support implementation of the model work search law; and 3. Information and products to promote state adoption of the model work search law and proposed roll-out strategy.
1111 ► August 4–5 th, 2015 ► Held at the U.S. Department of Labor Frances Perkins Building, Washington, DC ► Travel arrangements and lodging
1212 Day 2 Day 1 Informational Sessions (AM) Analysis of State Laws (as they exist today) Reemployment activities that could (potentially) improve work search (evidence- based) How people successfully get jobs in today’s labor market How does WIOA (potentially) impact our work? Update on Behavioral Economics Work search Strategies Action Session (PM) “Blue-sky” session defines “Ideal” outcome Return to define “as-is” (current) condition Define “issues” in a Problem Statement Define “Can-Be” solution(s) we will endorse Discuss communications strategies Plan next steps
1414 Re-envisioning Work Search Requirements for the 21st Century Thank you for joining today’s workgroup kick-off!