KS3 End of Year Exams Music Revision
End of Year Exam This will take place in a computer room, with an audio track. You will answer the questions online in Socrative. Some of the questions require you to listen to extracts on the CD. The best way to prepare for this exam is to revise the topics on the following slides, which have been covered through the year, and to listen to lots of different styles of music and ask yourself lots of questions. For example: What is the tempo? What are the dynamics? Who is performing? How many different parts are there? How fast is it? What pitch is the melody? These are just examples – listen and pick out anything in the music that is interesting.
Elements Of Music Melody - tune Rhythm – note pattern/beats Texture – the layers Dynamics - volumes Tempo – speed of music Harmony – chords, extra notes underpinning the melody Timbre – the quality of sounds an instrument makes Structure – the order of the sections, how the piece is built Duration – how long the notes are, how many beats Pitch – how high or low the notes are
Rhythm Values Quaver – ½ beat Crotchet – 1 beat Minim – 2 beats Semi quaver – ¼ beat each Semi breve – 4 beats Dotted notes – are worth half as much again. 3/4 1 ½ 3 6
Practice clapping these rhythms You will need to pick out a rhythm from a selection by ear. Remember your “words”: Coffee/pizza Tea/ chips Cream
Notes You will need to remember how to work out where the notes are. Know Your Target Level Know Your Target Level Know Your Target Level Know Your Target Level Know Your Target Level
Year 8: Clapping Rhythms (see slide 3) 1/2 1 2 4 You will need to identify what rhythm is being played from a selection. Practice clapping these rhythms.
Year 8: Spot the Note Pattern You will hear an extract of music, and will need to choose which one it is from a selection Practice using Baa Baa Black Sheep. Notice whether the ‘dots’ go up or down.
Dynamics Fortissimo – very loud Forte – loud Mezzo Forte – medium loud Mezzo piano – medium soft Piano – soft Pianissimo – very soft Crescendo – gradually get louder Diminuendo – gradually get softer
Tempo Allegro - quick Andante – walking pace Presto – very fast Largo – very slow Accelerando – gradually get faster Rallentando - gradually get slower
Electric/Acoustic, Major, Minor You will need to be able to recognise acoustic and electric instruments. You will need to be able to recognise: Major – happy – chords Minor – sad – chords Discords – note clusters
Instruments and Families Brass – trumpet, french horn, trombone, tuba Woodwind – piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon String – violin, viola, cello, double bass Percussion – snare drum, xylophone, tambourine, timpani, cymbals etc. (Tap or shake). You will also need to recognise the styles of music being played.