Eject a volume greater than 1,000 km3 Unlike composite Volcanoes they do not form mountains They form giant depressions in the ground that can be seen from space often being miles across. Caused by hotspots or on convergent plate boundaries WHAT IS A SUPER VOLCANO?
EFFECTS OF SUPER VOLCANOES Large ejection of lava and ash covering large areas Long lasting effects on weather and climates Extinction events Pre-mature ice age like events
LA GARITA Formed Ma Erupted 28 Ma Second Largest Eruption of the Cenozoic Formed Fish Canyon Tuff Primarily Dacite Average Thickness 100m Extinct
YELLOWSTONE Formed Ma Erupted 640,000 years ago Large Magma chamber: 2,400 cubic miles Origin Hotspot
LAKE TOBA Formed roughly 1 Ma Erupted 74,000 Years ago Estimated to be 2x larger than Yellowstone Theorized to have caused a human catastrophe that caused the population of early humans to fall to the tens of thousands
LONG VALLEY Formed 2.5 Ma Last Erupted 760,000 Years ago Formed the Bishop Tuff Unknown origins, not a subduction nor hotspot
LAKE TAUPO Formed 300,000 Years Ago Largest Volcano of the Taupo Volcanic Zone Rhyolitic Volcano Most recent super eruption 26,000 Years ago
GEOLOGIC SIGNIFICANCE Eruptions are accompanied with large deposits of ash used in geologic dating and often can be connect with extinction and climate change events. Such ash layers are often meters in depth and found all over the world proving reliable points for dating of sedimentary deposits between eruptions.
REFERENCES discover-massive-new-magma-chamber-under-yellowstone html#volint threatens-global-volcanic-winter-eruption-caused-mass-extinction years-ago/