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Back to Board Physical Development Periods of Adulthood Cognitive Development Random ?’s Social Development
Back to Board Natural timing for menstruation to end in women. What is menopause? Physical Development 10-
Back to Board Culturally preferred timing of social events such as driving a car, marriage, parenthood, etc. What is the Social Clock? Physical Development 20-
Back to Board Botox, Liposuction, face lift, dying hair, skin care, teeth whitening are all ways Americans try to do this... What is cheating the aging process? Physical Development 30-
Back to Board More time to react is needed and it is harder to remember names, complete puzzles, etc. What are slower neural pathways? Physical Development 40-
Back to Board When old people tend to get sick less often but it takes a longer period of time for them to heal completely. What is a weakened immune system? Physical Development 50-
Back to Board What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Physical Development 100- A progressive, irreversible brain disorder characterized by deterioration of memory, language, and physical functioning.
Back to Board years of age What is Early Adulthood? Periods of Adulthood 10-
Back to Board What is Late Adulthood? 65 years old and over Periods of Adulthood 20-
Back to Board years of age What is Middle Adulthood? Periods of Adulthood 30-
Back to Board Developmental period between adolescence and adulthood. What is Emerging Adulthood? Periods of Adulthood 40-
Back to Board Most stressful period of adulthood. What is Early Adulthood? Periods of Adulthood 50-
Back to Board Erikson’s stage that occurs during Late Adulthood. Periods of Adulthood 100- What is Integrity vs. Despair?
Back to Board Tasks that give us no clues to jog our memories. What is Recall? Cognitive Development 10-
Back to Board One’s ability to reason speedily and abstractly to solve problems. What is Fluid Intelligence? Cognitive Development 20-
Back to Board A clue is provided which helps with memory. What is Recognition? Cognitive Development 30-
Back to Board One’s accumulated knowledge and verbal skills. What is Crystallized Intelligence? Cognitive Development 40-
Back to Board This type of memory is better in younger adults and harder for older adults. What is Recall memory? Cognitive Development 50-
Back to Board Type of Intelligence that declines as people get older. What is Fluid Intelligence? Cognitive Development 100-
Back to Board Experienced during menopause where you get really hot all of a sudden. What is a Hot Flash ? Random ?’s 10-
Back to Board Mental disintegration that accompanies alcoholism, stroke, tumor, aging, etc. What is Senile Dementia ? Random ?’s 20-
Back to Board Type of intelligence that tends to increase with age. What is Crystallized Intelligence ? Random ?’s 30-
Back to Board Created an 8 stage-theory of social development. Who is Erik Erikson? Random ?’s 40-
Back to Board Stage where young adults are trying to gain close relationships and looking for intimate love. What is Intimacy vs. Isolation ? Random ?’s 50-
Back to Board Helps individuals with terminal illness cope with death in a dignifying manner. Can go to facility or stay at home. What is Hospice ? Random ?’s 100-
Back to Board Happiness seems to be correlated when this is challenging, provides a sense of accomplishment and is interesting. What is commitment to Work? Social Development 10-
Back to Board Percentage of the population who get married at least once in their lives. What is 90%? Social Development 20-
Back to Board Intimate self-disclosure, shared emotional and material support, and similar interests and values. What is needed for Lasting Love? Social Development 30-
Back to Board Stage when older adults begin to reflect on their lives and either feel a sense of satisfaction or failure. What is Integrity vs. Despair? Social Development 40-
Back to Board Social Development 50- The change married couples go through as a result of their children leaving the home. What is Empty Nest?
Back to Board Huge investment of time, money and emotion within a marriage. What is commitment to Children? Social Development 100-
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