Harsh Reality
Adolescents spend $400,000 annually on cigarettes.
Nicotine ages skin faster by restricting the flow of oxygen.
Girls who smell and taste of cigarettes is a turn-off according to guys surveyed.
Teeth and fingers turn yellow.
Smokers are more likely to gain weight because they are not healthy enough to get exercise.
Health care costs $6 to $15 billion annually.
2 / 3 of Canadians do not smoke.
Smokers are regulated as to where they can smoke. The habit is becoming anti-social and isolating.
Smoking makes you jittery and nervous.
Nicotine is highly addictive. It is in the same family as amphetamines and cocaine.
All cigarettes are bad. This includes the “mild” or “light” ones.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of death for women.
Smoking is also linked to: cervical cancer menstrual disorders early menopause Osteoporosis risks to pregnancy risks to fetal health