Exercise & Sport Nutrition Nutrition based on your goals
Body Composition Body Composition: the proportion of lean mass (muscle and bone) to fat mass in the body “Ideal Body Weight”: based on gender, height, and sometimes bone structure Body Mass Index (BMI): based on height and weight, but does not take into account body composition
Body Composition Lower percentage of body fat is desirable, but your body composition must include some fat Average person’s body composition 15-25% fat 75-85% lean body tissue: bone, muscles, skin, organs
Body Fat: How much is good? Weight vs. Fat Underweight vs. overweight Not useful, because of different body types Underfat vs. overfat Very useful because it describes your body composition
Body Fat: How much is good? Males vs. Females Teenage girls body fat percent range 11-25% Over 35% is considered obese for females Teenage boys body fat percent range 6-20% Over 30% is considered obese for males
Importance of Body Fat Insulates the body; helps it adapt to heat & cold Acts as a shock absorber Helps body use vitamins effectively Serves as a critical energy store In reasonable amounts, helps you look your best
Too Little Body Fat Too little body fat can have serious health risks as well 6-8% of girls in high school are considered overfat, but more than ONE THIRD of all girls in high school think they are too fat Essential Body Fat: minimum amount of body fatness
Too Little Body Fat Anorexia Athletica Similar to anorexia nervosa Most common in athletes – gymnastics, cheerleading, wrestling Related to pressure to maintain a low weight
Body Fat Assessment: DEXA Scan
Body Fat Assessment: Hydrostatic Weighing
Body Fat Assessment: Bioelectrical Impedance
Body Fat Assessment: Skinfold Calipers
Body Fat Assessment: Circumference Measure
Body Fat Assessment: Height-Weight Chart
Body Fat Assessment: Waist to Hip Ratio
Body Fat Assessment: BMI
Calorie Requirements Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): the estimate of how many calories your body requires RESTING and FASTED in a 24 hour period Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): the estimate of how many calories your body burns in a 24 hour period, factoring in sleep, school, work, exercise, and normal daily activity
Calculating your daily calorie expenditure Balancing Calories The food you eat contains calories that your body uses for energy Calories consumed > Calories burned = Gain weight Calories consumed < Calories burned = Lose weight Calories consumed = Calories burned = Maintain weight 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories
Calorie Requirements Calculating BMR and TDEE: YOUR BMR: ____________________ YOUR TDEE: ____________________
MYTHS: EAT LESS AND EVEN STARVE YOURSELF TO LOSE WEIGHT Starving yourself causes your metabolism to slow down, defeating the purpose of your goals EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT, AS MUCH AS YOU WANT IN ORDER TO GAIN MASS Not all calories are the same! You need to find a balance!
Macronutrient Requirements CARBOHYDRATES: 45-65% of nutrition PROTEIN: 12-15% of nutrition (sometimes 30%) FATS: 20-35% of nutrition FEW AMERICANS CONSUME LESS THAN 35%
Macronutrient Requirements Macronutrient percentages can be manipulated based on your activities and goals Ex. Endurance athletes vs. Strength athletes vs. Power athletes Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram Protein: 4 calories per gram Fat: 9 calories per gram
AMINO ACIDS Amino acids: building blocks of protein Body manufactures 11 of 20 amino acids Complete proteins: contain all NINE amino acids Incomplete proteins: do not contain all essential amino acids
Sources of PROTEIN Lean Beef Chicken Breast TurkeyFishEggsBeansLentilsQuinoaOatmeal
CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates: Main source of energy Simple 15% or less should make up your diet soda, juice, candy, pastries Complex Whole-grain breads, vegetables, grains
CARBOHYDRATES Fiber Form of complex carbohydrates Body cannot digest fiber Sources include leaves, stems, roots, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds Helps prevent intestinal problems and reduces chances of developing certain cancers
Sources of CARBOHYDRATES FruitVegetablesBreadPastaRiceBeansQuinoaOatmeal
FATS Fats: necessary for growth and repair of cells (less than 30% of diet) Dissolve certain vitamins and carry them to body cells Enhance the flavor and texture of foods
FATS Unsaturated Fats: liquid at room temperature, in moderate amounts, may lower risk of heart disease Saturated Fats: solid at room temperature 10% or less should make up your diet Trans Fats: formed by hydrogenation, can raise your cholesterol, increases your risk of heart disease
Sources of FAT FishAvocadoNutsYogurtCheeseEggs Coconut Oil Olive Oil Chia Seeds
WATER Water: single most important nutrient Carries other nutrients to your cells Carries away waste Helps regulate body temperature Your body loses 2-3 quarts per day through breathing, sweating, and eliminating waste
Food Label Claims Fat Free: Less than 0.5 gram of fat Low Fat: 3 grams or less of fat per serving Lean: Less than 10 grams of fat, 4 grams of saturated fat, 95 milligrams of cholesterol
Food Label Claims Light (Lite): 1/3 fewer calories or no more than ½ the fat of the higher-calorie, higher fat version; or no more than ½ the sodium of the higher-sodium version Cholesterol Free: Less than 2 mg of cholesterol and 2 or less grams of saturated fat per serving
BEWARE of Marketing Labels They can be MISLEADING Sometimes if something is labeled “low fat” or “fat free”, it can be loaded with SUGAR!
Hunger vs. Appetite Hunger: the physical NEED for food Appetite: the psychological DESIRE for food Mindless eating: snacking continuously while absorbed in another activity, even when the body doesn’t need food
FAD Diets South Beach Diet Atkins Diet Liquid Diets Fasting Diet Pills Cookie Diet Master Cleanse Paleo Diet Skinny Tea Diet Tapeworm Diet Grapefruit Diet Juice Cleanse