Energy and Matter: Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy Dr. Wil van der Veen Science Education Institute Raritan Valley Community College
2 The Next Generation Science Standards A New Vision for Science Teaching and Learning Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
3 The NGSS were Developed Based on a Framework The NGSS were developed based on a Framework for K-12 Education published by the National Academies. The NGSS incorporate our best understanding of how students learn science. The NGSS take into account the needs of the 21st Century workplace. Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
4 Students should know and able to use and apply: Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts Key Idea of the Framework and the NGSS Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
5 1.Patterns 2.Cause and Effect 3.Scale, Proportion, and Quantity 4.Systems and System Models 5.Energy and Matter 6.Structure and Function 7.Stability and Change Crosscutting concepts are not new! The purpose of crosscutting concepts is to deepen students understanding of core ideas. Crosscutting Concepts have to be made explicit. Crosscutting Concepts Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
6 Energy and Matter in Systems Discuss the following questions with a partner: What rules do you know about the flows of energy and matter in systems? In a closed system energy is conserved and matter is conserved. In an open system we have to trace energy and matter going into the system, within the system, and going out of the system. Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
7 Conservation Laws are Rules What is wrong with this sentence? He are 16 years old. A grammar rule has been broken! What is wrong with this sentence? Breathing converts O 2 to CO 2. A conservation rule has been broken! Where does the carbon come from? Adapted from NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
8 Natural Phenomenon A Burning Match Make careful observations and record them in your journal. Share your observations with a partner. Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
9 TRUEFALSE 1. Some of the wood is converted to heat and light energy when the match burns. 2. The WOOD of the match is destroyed when it burns. 3. The MOLECULES of the wood are destroyed when it burns. 4. The ATOMS of the wood are destroyed when it burns. 5. The MASS of the wood is destroyed when it burns. From NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker Natural Phenomenon A Burning Match
10 Discuss the statements with your table group and engage in argument from evidence to come to a consensus: Use your data as evidence to support your claim as to whether the statements are true or false. Use your understanding of the conservation laws and any other content knowledge you have to explain why the data you cite is evidence for your claim. Natural Phenomenon A Burning Match Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
11 TRUEFALSE 1. Some of the wood is converted to heat and light energy when the match burns. 2. The WOOD of the match is destroyed when it burns. 3. The MOLECULES of the wood are destroyed when it burns. 4. The ATOMS of the wood are destroyed when it burns. 5. The MASS of the wood is destroyed when it burns. Natural Phenomenon A Burning Match From NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker
12 Tracing Matter and Energy Separately What is wrong with each statement? How would you say it correctly in terms of matter or energy? The burning match loses mass because some of its mass is converted to energy. Exercise helps us lose weight by burning off fat as energy. Cellular respiration converts glucose to ATP. Gasoline is converted to the kinetic energy of a moving car. From NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
13 What Kind of Change is Occurring? Physical Changes Mass, substances, molecules, and atoms are conserved Volume is not conserved Chemical Changes Mass and atoms are conserved Volume, substances, and molecules are not conserved. From NSTA webinar: Energy and Matter by Charles Anderson and Joyce Parker Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
14 Systems and System Models A natural system is a collection of components that interact to produce a natural phenomenon. 1.Boundaries 2.Components 3.Flows and Interactions System Surroundings Boundary Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
15 Group Performance Task Natural phenomenon: We see rabbits in a field near our house. Complete the following Group Performance Task: Develop a model that represents the rabbits’ ecosystem and illustrates the flows of matter and energy in this ecosystem. Instructional Scaffold: Consider the boundaries of the system. Represent the most important components of the system. Represent the interactions within the system. Represent the flows of matter and energy in the system. Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
16 Final Reflection Write down one thing you could change in your classroom based on what you experienced in this workshop. Share with a partner. Energy and Matter Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy
17 Friday (Full-day Institute) Moving Past Memorization: Applying Science Concepts to Explain the Natural World Saturday (1.5-hour workshop) System and System Models: A Systems Approach to Science Learning Sunday (1.5-hour workshop) Energy and Matter: Helping Students Distinguish Between Matter and Energy Other Related Sessions Moving Past Memorization: Applying Science Concepts to Explain the Natural World.