THE MIDDLE EAST 7 th Grade Social Studies The Middle East
Unit Essential Questions 1. What are the causes of the conflicts in the Middle East? 2. Who is entitled to the land that is in dispute in the region? 3. Why is the United States fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? 4. What are possible solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East?
Middle East Map
The Fertile Crescent The Agricultural Revolution History of the Middle East
How did farming in the Middle East contribute to the birth of civilizations?
Elements Needed for a Civilization 1. Food Surplus 2. Division of Labor 3. Government System 4. Writing 5. Technology 6. Religion
Mesopotamia Located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Used irrigation and canals to help water crops during the dry season Modern day Iraq
Sumer Sumerians are credited with many advancements: The first writing system; cuneiform The Wheel The plow & irrigation The clock for telling time. Sewer systems Use of bronze to strengthen tools and weapons.
Babylon Developed Hammurabi’s Code which was a thorough set of written laws. “Eye for an eye” Known for their hanging gardens
Persia known for paintings, carpet, metalwork, architecture Modern day Iran
Muslims Defeated the Persian and Byzantine Empires but allowed Jews and Christians to practice their religion. Grew into three separate empires: Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal. This is when Muhammad is taking over the Arabian Peninsula
Cultural Achievements of the Muslims Focus on astronomy helped develop better understanding of time and of geography. Focus on geography led to accurate maps that assisted in exploration and trade. Focus on mathematics led to the development of Algebra. Focus on medicine led to cures for many serious diseases. Focus on literature and the arts led to significant works of poetry and short stories including ones about Sinbad, Aladdin, and Ali Baba. It also led to use of calligraphy and an emphasis on architecture, especially for mosques. Note that Muslim Empires ruled parts of the world for over 600 years ( )