Text Adventure Chris Smith, Dylan Basilice, Chase Costner, Thomas Lawing
Overview Original Goals Story Implementation Gameplay Conclusion
Goals We wanted to expand our knowledge of basic CS principles to help us better understand the content of 1440 and 2440 As freshmen, we had limited experience with CS, so being able to slowly develop our coding outside of class was very beneficial
Story You start off receiving a transmission from none other than Thomas Lawing himself. After he reminds you of your mission and space exploration, your ship crashes on Mars. You are forced to navigate through levels (including obstacles and enemies) in an attempt to stall out and get saved by a mysterious man… who is he???
Implementation Implemented in Java Built on prior (and future) knowledge Learning the ins and outs of Java Learned about teamwork (Github) Planned things out using UML diagrams
Implementation Levels full of interconnected Rooms Items to get Obstacles to encounter Get to certain rooms with specific items to progress
Implementation Items Healing › Med kit › Water › Oxygen › Food Weapons › Crowbar › Nunhammer › Raygun Level Progression › Certain items › Get to certain room Obstacles Obstructions › Pitfall › Poisonous plants › Rockslide › Sandstorm Enemies › Androids › Unknown space creatures › Space Pirates
Conclusion We were able to get the game to a state where it is now playable! 3 levels of various difficulties Items and obstacles in random places Different every time!