CHAPTER I Hygiene And Its Scopes Definition of Hygiene According to Shadily, Hygiene is a science of studying health. Hygiene closely related to the individual, the food and beverages because it is a requirement to achieve the degree of health. We can observe in the implementation of the food processing have an obligation to meet health requirements. when pain relief (someone's health is disturbed) is a result of food that will be processed there may be a disease. According to English Dictionary, Hygiene is the science of health and various efforts to maintain / improve health
The scopes of Hygiene Hygiene covering self-care efforts, including the accuracy of the body attitude Hygiene of kitchen Hygiene of food Hygiene of tool
CHAPTER. II individual Hygiene Definition Individual hygiene is a personal hygiene mirror of each individual, which leads to the habits and personal hygiene Maintenance of individual hygiene is an important factor to create the healthty individual or private environment
The establishment of individual hygiene by any individual is a major factor for maintaining personal health, family, community or country, to create the clean and healthy life Many cases of food poisoning comes from employees who prepare or serve food. if the sanitation procedures, including personal Hygiene is implemented, things such as poisoned, pollution or contamination of food can be reduced
Medical examination before a prospective employee received for the work, even it is not absolute, it should be carried out. All employees in a Boga service business should endure regular medical examination Employees who suffer cold, cough or have any open wounds should not work first. Employees who have a contagious disease should have any medical certificate before working again
Basic Rules of Personal / Individual Hygiene 1)Take a bath every day before work 2)Hands should be washed before starting work, preparing and serving food 3)Wash hands with soap at the time (with warm water is better), after removing from the intent, after handling money, after handling soiled items. 4)Use provided uniform to look clean, do not wear personal clothing while working. 5)Washing hair (shampoo) with regularly
6)Select a model of hair that's easy to set. For the women workers should wear hairnet, for all employees should wear hats. 7)Finger nails should be clean, neat and does not cut enhanced with cutex. Do not cut nails at work. 8)Do not hold your nose, hair, or other parts of the body when food is being prepared. 9)Do not blow the food to cool down. 10)Avoid use of make-up and perfume over, Do not dress up (tidy up make-up, comb at work). 11)Wear suitable clothes to work
Body Care Section related to individuals Hygiene Things that need to be paid attention in the care of the body related to the individual Hygiene, are as follows: I. Body hygiene / Self - care Terms of hygiene main body is self-care in general that should be done by each individual as a habit that aims to prevent pests or bacteria that can not be seen with the eyes.
Self-care include: A. Skin Care Bath at least twice a day with soft soap bath (less alkali). Bath serves to remove dust, sweat and body odor. Using a soft towel and dry. To refine the rough skin on the foot, knee and elbow use skin moisturize lotion - Sweat gland produce sweat every day, that sometimes the body odor issue. There are two kinds of sweat gland, namely:
a.Ekrin sweat gland is a gland that removing the fluids and other substances that easily evaporate. b.Apokrin Sweat gland issued a white substance cells, this substance will decay and become smelly. The part of the body part that contains the apokrin Sweat gland consists of : armpit, nipple, and around the genitalia area. Apokrin Sweat gland start active after reaching adult.
To prevent body odor note: 1.Maintain cleanliness of the body that begin to grow hair (head and body in a certain part). 2.Restrict the food that is too stimulating the body odor, such as onion, garlic, cheese, alcohol, meat goats, and so forth. 3.Apparel replaced regularly by choosing the slightly loose on the arm and thigh so that there is air circulation. 4.Use of cosmetic anti-body odor: i. Deodorant neutralizes smell the body without force transpiration ii. Antiperspirant is material to prevent sweat secretion as a neutralization
B. Dental Care In order to maintain dental hygiene, there are some things that need to be conducted: 1.Clean the teeth regularly 2 X a day. 2.Do not pick teeth with sharp objects which may cause the layer of and the teeth become damaged and injured. It also cause the gum infection. 3.Eating and drinking that much flour (a cup of tea, fish, etc.). 4.Avoid foods that damage the teeth (chocolate, candy and other). 5.Check teeth regularly if the interference occurs on the teeth, take it to flee dental clinic. 6.If you sneeze or cough close the mouth.
C. Nose Care 1.Do not scrape the nostril while working or in front of people. 2.Clean nose with soaking nostril in water and then pull the breath, and breath out hard with the nose so that the dirt out D. Ears Care 1.Do not pick your ear with a sharp object. 2.Clean the ear with a cotton bud. We should clean auricle of ears and outside ear hole. In the outside ear hole there is a candle gland that protect the skin from the wound or the insertion of foreign objects
E. Eyes Care 1.Give a good light when reading or writing, and the light should come from the side and not flashy. 2.See the picture, such as TV with a minimum distance of 3 meters and not too long. 3.Clean the eye with boor water when necessary. 4.Read with a minimum distance of 30 cm. 5.If a foreign object into the eye, remove it carefully. 6.Eating foods that contain lots of vitamin A. Go to the Eye doctor to check if there is interference on the eyes.
II.Clothing Hygiene Not only the body, clothing should also be clean (sterile) before use. To ensure that the clothes in clean condition, there are a few things to note : a.Use clothing that is in accordance with the seasons and temperature. b.Distinctive school clothing, work, parties and sleepwear. c.Avoid wearing clothing that is wet and sweaty. d.Do not use clothes that are too narrow. e.Change clothes regularly and always wash clothes daily and work clothes regularly. f.use a clean and complete working clothes during the full work. g.Dark-colored clothes absorb and hold heat. h.Work clothes made of cotton.
III. Food Hygiene 1.always eat the varied and high nutritional value food (4 sehat 5 sempurna). not all food nutrient values is expensive. 2.always eat regularly. 3.Eating foods that contain many celluloce (vegetables that contain many fibers). 4.Store food properly. 5.Avoid from insects, dirt and rodents. 6.Wash clean cooking equipment, cutlery and drink equipment. 7.Implement the preparation and processing of food with good and true.
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