By Cesar
Nobody really knows who or when earth was discovered. Some people say a man named Nicolas discovered earth. My planet’s name and discovery
Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the most biggest planet in the inner planets. Position on the solar system
It takes 24 hours for earth to rotate onetime. Earth takes 360 days to complete a year. Earth’s axis
My planet is the same size as Venus. Earth is bigger than the moon. Earth rotates tilted because of the size. Size
temperature My planet’s temperature can support life.
My planet is the rocky type. My planet looks like a huge ball of water. Composition of my planet and it’s appearance
Earth has one moon only. The moon is much more smaller. Earth has no rings. Earth’s moons and rings
A person will not choke in the atmosphere. How would a human being fair on your planet
Something special about earth is that earth is sometimes cold and sometimes hot. Earth has giant volcanos in different places. Something special
Interesting facts about earth On fact about earth is that earth can be really cold or really hot. Earth can have some hard storms, like hurricane sandy.