Welcome to Town Creek Elementary School Kindergarten Orientation 2016
The Kindergarten Team Mrs. Kristy Yeatman ~ Teacher Ms. Leslie Gilman~ Teacher Mrs. Therese Carrigg~ K Para
Other Friendly Faces You Will See Principal ~ Ms. Marie Hankinson Secretaries ~ Ms. Tammy Ogle ~ Ms. Magen Atkins Nurse ~ Ms. Carole Tatman Instructional Resource Teacher (IRT)/Principal Substitute ~ Ms. Patricia Parsons Counselor ~ Ms. Susan Maier
Our Program Literacy-based curriculum Whole/Small group work opportunities Scheduled blocks of time for learning Differentiated Child-centered and hands-on activities Maryland College and Career Ready Standards (MCCRS)
Our Daily Schedule (sample) 9:00Arrival (9:00 and later must be signed in at main office and receive a tardy slip) 9:00-9:15Homeroom: Check-in, breakfast, book check 9:15-9:30Morning Work 9:30-9:50Calendar Math 9:50-11:00Language Arts/Math 11:00-11:30Lunch 11:30-12:00Recess 12:00-12:30Language Arts 12:30-1:40Math/Language Arts 1:40-2:05 Integrated Learning Centers 2:05-2:35Science/Social Studies 2:35-2:40Pack Up 2:40-3:25 Specials 3:25-3:40Wrap Up Activities 3:40 Walkers and Pick-Ups Dismissed 3:45Bus Riders Dismissed
Assessments Informal (Observation) Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) Language Arts Rigby (reading level) DIBELS Next (early literacy skills) Math Counting Profile Cognitive Guided Instruction/ Operational & Algebraic Thinking (CGI/OAT)
NEW Standards Based Report Card DC = Distinguished Command of the Standard (Demonstrates consistent knowledge, application and extension of the standard) SC = Strong Command of the Standard (Demonstrates consistent knowledge and application of the standard) PC = Partial Command of the Standard (Demonstrates some knowledge and application of the standard) NY = Not Yet Meeting the Standard (Not yet demonstrating knowledge of the standard) NA = Not Assessed Assessments Continued
Ensuring Student Success Full day Kindergarten program Daily communication folder PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Researched based programs Small focus groups for skill reinforcement Ongoing assessments
Procedures Arrival - Start with the routine you will continue for the school year - Children will come directly to their classroom at 9:00 AM (staff will direct children off buses and in the halls) - Children should arrive at school between 8:45 and 9:00 AM - You will need to visit the office and sign your child in, if arriving after 9:00 AM Dismissal – Notify the office, preferably in writing ( both and before 3:00 PM if there is a change in how your child will be leaving. Follow up with a phone call if your is not acknowledged. - Photo ID is required when picking up your child - Daily parent pick-ups sign out from the Media Center (parents will enter through the Media door in the front of the building) - A parent/responsible person (13 or older) must accompany/meet kindergarteners at their bus stop
Transportation Bands - Students will receive a yellow band for their wrist and one for their book bag - The bands contain their name and bus number - Please do not remove the band from your child’s wrist for the first week - Please do not remove the band from your child’s book bag Medical Information - Please make sure all medications are given directly to Nurse Tatman - Make sure your child’s teacher is aware of any vital medical information (allergies, etc.) - Students are prohibited from transporting medication Contact Information - Please contact the office with any changes in phone numbers and/or address Procedures Continued
Parent Opportunities Variety of opportunities to volunteer in our school PTA Fundraisers Contact teachers for classroom opportunities to volunteer
Let’s Have a Great Year!