SPP/APR - SSIP Stakeholders Meeting # 2 (State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report – State Systemic Improvement Plan)
Introductions Parents (Yellow) B23 Providers (Purple) Education (Pink) Health and Well-being (Blue) Lead Agency (White)
What do you need TODAY? Refresher? Web Page? Residual Questions? We can revisit this anytime.
The big picture again General Supervision
Agenda for Today ROUGH SiMR –Communicate Effectively? Review Data Analysis – (sort of) Create workgroups and deliverables Plans for future meetings
Data Facts We have to use data as our baseline We have agreed to focus on a family outcome The family survey data won’t be ready until September We can also use other related data; Complaints, CPAC surveys, Monitoring data,.. We can change our baseline next year if we decide to collect different data.
Possible SiMR The percent of families that report that Birth to Three helped them communicate effectively about their child’s need will increase. (Not sure if we put targets in SiMR?) Or…..
Work groups SiMR Lead Agency: Aileen and Bob The result we intend to achieve through the SSIP based on data and infrastructure analysis Selection of Coherent Improvement Strategies Lead Agency: Deb and Linda How selected and how they will identify root causes of low performance will build capacity of programs to achieve the SiMR Analysis of State Infrastructure to Support Improvement and Build Capacity Lead Agency: Lynn and Anna How we analyzed the capacity of Governance, Fiscal, PD, TA, and A&M to support improvement using evidence based practices Theory of Action Lead Agency: Koleen and Eileen Graphic that shows how improvement strategies increase capacity to achieve the SiMR Data Analysis Lead Agency: Alice and Bill How we identified and analyzed it… >>> SiMR
Next Steps Break into Workgroups –“Meeting”; in person, calls, online, frequency –“Work plans”; action plans, what-who-by when SSIP Webpage? SPP…… Next ICC meetings –October 27 –December 8 Both here