The NDIS pathway An NDIS Participant Readiness activity funded by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Everyone has a plan Outlines supports needed to live an ordinary life Daily living Home Relationships Life long learning Work Social & community participation Health and well-being Choice and control Outlines where supports can be accessed
Supports Mainstream support State government departments e.g. Health, Education, Transport Local council, shopping centres, community groups Informal support Family, friends, neighbours, other community networks
NDIS funded support categories Assistance with daily life at home, community, education & work Transport to access daily activities Supported independent living Improved daily living skills Improved relationships Improved living arrangements Improved health & wellbeing Improved learning Finding & keeping a job Increased social & community participation Improved life choices Assistive technology Vehicle modifications Home modifications
Reasonable and necessary supports Increase independence, economic and social participation Relate to the participant’s disability Does not include day-to-day living costs that are unrelated to a participant’s disability support needs Represents value for money Likely to be effective and beneficial to the participant
Just the beginning My first plan is created by: information gathered conversation about support needs My first plan in place for 12 months My first plan allows time to: learn more about options available consider goals for the next plan
Choice & control, self-direction Participants are empowered to make their own decisions about their supports Choice & control over how supports are provided who will provide the support
Choice & control, self-management Participants are empowered to make their own decisions about the management of their funding arrangements Choice & control over Self-managed by the participant OR plan nominee Registered plan management provider National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Combination Different options can be chosen for different supports
Implementing the plan Participants may have support coordination funded Participants can access Local Area Coordinator (LAC): link participants with support providers build the capacity to choose support providers find community activities and mainstream services Plans can be accessed on “Participant Portal” through myGov website
Quality and safeguards NDIA safeguards Frequent plan review Regular contact with NDIA Funded supports to assist plan management Informal safeguards Persons choice and control Natural safeguards Formal safeguards Service, system and community safeguards
Reviewing the plan NDIA will set the date and make contact Reviews are about support needs, not eligibility Reviews identify future goals Time between reviews gives opportunity to learn about all options If circumstances or needs change, plans can be reviewed earlier