Welcome to Back to School Night Miss Rebecca DeMarco Classroom Paraprofessional: Mrs. Betty Wagner Senior Connector: Mrs. Rosmarie Rio
Strategic Plan Introduction from Dr. Crader A pamphlet can be found in the Back to School Night folder.
Go Math Kindergarten! Parents’ Guide! Math information sessions: Oct 15th here at Central at 2:00 pm in the All Purpose Room Oct 17 at Woodland at 7:00 pm
Homeroom Parents Mrs. Clemente Mrs. Miller Mrs. Kingman Five Parties: 1.Halloween 2.Holiday Celebration 3.Valentine’s Day 4.End of Year 5. *Thanksgiving will be our additional party for Kindergarten*
Miss DeMarco B.A. Elementary Education K-5 Students with Disabilities K-12 This is my second year teaching Kindergarten at Central School.
Overview of Kindergarten Balanced Literacy ▫Word Study ▫Reading Workshop ▫Writing Workshop
Fine and Gross Motor Skills Gross motor skills are defined as the movements of the large muscles of the body that enables such functions as walking, kicking, sitting upright, lifting, and throwing a ball. In time, these muscles will strengthen and help students to sit properly when learning and writing. Fine motor skills can be defined as small muscle movements: those that occur in the finger, in coordination with the eyes. Fine motor skills won't develop over-night, but with time and practice. Fine motor will also improve pencil grip and letter formation.
Classroom Discipline Approach Classroom Behavior Chart- working towards becoming a “Star Student” Table Tally Marks – working together in small groups Marble Jar – working together as a community Mr. Potato Head – earning compliments from other teachers/adults
Star Student of the Week One week prior a poster will be sent home for the Star Student to complete. During the Star Student’s Week: Student presents poster to the class and displayed all week 1 item for Show and Tell each day Special guest visitor (please set up a date with me prior) Share a treat with class
Birthdays All treats must be brought to the office no later than 10 am for the nurse to check. 14 students in our classroom Summer birthdays can be celebrated in June Special Guest may come in for birthday celebration
Mystery Readers and Visiting our Class Looking for Mystery Readers throughout the year! If you have a special interest or would like to share your career with the class please let me know.
Parent/Teacher Conferences November 4 th, 5 th, 6 th Dismissal is at 1:20 pm Please sign up for a date and time if you are able to tonight. Our first Kindergarten report card is issued in December.
Before you leave tonight: Fill out a survey and put into the basket provided. You may also take the survey online in the computer lab located in the library. Sign-up for Parent/Teacher conferences in November