Why is the social and emotional domain addressed? There is an unevenness in affect regulation and chronological age and a child’s mental intellect. How can we help students to manage emotional experiences in a healthy way.
Adults often expect gifted children to behave in all ways like older children and are confused and frustrated when the children prove unexpectedly “immature”.
Other children are emotionally gifted who are advanced in understanding their own emotions and are empathic with the feelings and view of others.
They show compassion, moral sensitivity loyalty, resistance to victimization, and forgiveness. Understand complex emotional issues at a young age Show excessive worry over world problems or family matters.
Gifted children often have fears like those of older non-gifted children, but they do not have the emotional control to put these insights aside and go on with their lives.
Social / Emotional Standards Teachers are trained and knowledgeable regarding social and emotional development of gifted students
And incorporated techniques to support affective learning in their classrooms. Affective domain addresses emotional aspects.
Rationale: Teachers interact with their students daily. They are in a position to be most effective in supporting healthy social and emotional behaviors.
To facilitate this goal… Teachers need resources related to affective development in the areas of: 1. Interpersonal skills 2. Self esteem 3. Moral and ethical judgment and behavior 4. Empathy
How do we do this? Create teacher resources to support and augment affective lessons and activities Provide training sessions Assist teachers in collecting appropriate class library materials Encourage the use of literature to support positive affective development in students (book clubs and discussion groups)
Provide teacher training in affective development including strategies and literature resources.
Challenges from Within and Without
Extra Perception Highly perceptive and receptive to stimuli (sounds, sights, smells, touches, tastes, movements, words, patterns, numbers, physical phenomena, people)
High Involvement Don’t let thought come and go. They dream repetitively of treasured problems, pictures, patterns, or concerns. Obsessed with the intricacy of beauty of phenomena at hand.
Super-Sensitivity High level of moral or emotional sensitivity to ethical issues and concerns that are considered unimportant by their peers. Highly moralistic. Quick to judge others.
Perfectionism Not good. What is good is the pursuit of excellence. Perfectionism means that you can never fail – you always need approval. It is not about doing your best; it can block your way.
Uneven Integration Challenges can come from within when a student’s intellectual abilities are out of sync. Students are not gifted in everything.
Ways a Teacher Can Help Create a supportive environment Built into the small things you do everyday
Clarify your role as a teacher and your students’ roles as learners Students should learn how to ask question, analyze problems, research topics, evaluate their work and the thinking of others
Clarify expectations – Yours and Theirs Objectives Content Products Methods Evaluation Intangible outcomes
Set ground rules “A successful teacher doesn’t get down to the students’ level, but raises them up to his.” Frank Davies Set rules Behavior standards Group Interactions
Decide what to reward and how Straight formal feedback on the accomplishment
Use questionnaires and surveys Use journaling Use biblio-therapy Schedule weekly conferences Use growth contracts Form peer alliances Refer students to counseling