SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 2015 Journal Editorial/Production Report
Impact factor * SAJB joined Elsevier in Articles: 160 Total cites: Articles: 172 Total cites: 1703 *2014 Impact factor, released in 2015
Comments on the Impact factor The number of cites/number of articles published over a two-year period have decreased The good news is that the number of citations remains higher than years prior to 2010
Plant science journals Impact factor Ranking (of 204) Impact factor Ranking (of 196) Am. J. Bot Bot. J. Linn. Soc Aust. J. Bot S. Afr. J. Bot New Zeal. J. Bot Data source: Journal Citation Reports ® (ISI Web of Knowledge SM )
African journals SAJB is ranked 5 th in the Top 100 African journals Based on Google Scholar Metrics h5 index in June 2015, out of 1439 African journals Data source:
Editorial summary 768 (751) articles received and processed by the Editorial Office on the Elsevier Editorial System (EES); from 62 (64) countries Does not include 450 (403) articles without review Rejection rate = 77% (78%) 173 (162) articles accepted Number in parentheses = value for 2014, for comparison Accepted (%)Submitted (%) South Africa46.2 (44.8)15.6 (13.5) India5.8 (6.9)17.8 (20.8) China10.4 (4.8)16.5 (17.8) Brazil4.6 (7.6)5.3 (4.0) Egypt2.9 (2.8)4.7 (3.6) Tunisia2.3 (6.9)4.0 (5.2)
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Special Issues Understanding biome boundaries in South Africa Estuarine ecosystems Herbal teas – exploring untapped potential and strengthening commercialisation Smoke ecology and applications of plant-derived smoke Suggestions for special issues are welcome – discuss with the Editor-in-Chief!
Final remarks In 2015, 6 volumes were published (Vol. 96 to Vol. 101) Downloads via Science Direct still increasing Authors have the option to publish their article ‘Open Access’ (for a publication fee of $USD 2500) New EVISE system for submission and editorial services
Final remarks Editorial board currently consists of 57 members: –34 South African scientists –23 international scientists Huge thanks to Prof. Kevin Balkwill for ‘behind the scenes’ efforts in dealing with transfer of copyright from NISC and his role in making back issues available via Elsevier on ScienceDirect Thanks to Elsevier for their support of our journal!