UK Project Plan Roy Preece STFC RAL RLSR 26 th October 2015
Content Finance – Cost to Complete – RF plan Risk – Changes and Updates Summary 2
Cost to Complete Finance 3
Finance Cost to Complete 4 Construction complete – July 2017 Commissioning complete – Sept 2017 Data taking complete – March 2018 Significant increase in the RF work package – more detail on the next slide Includes 3FTE of ISIS support staff each FY. Ramping down of Technical staff and non staff costs toward the end of FY2017/18 Operational staff will continue to be required to the end of operations Cost estimate for FY18/19 have been included to account for final data analysis, paper writing…. Additional costs for operational staff have been included in the event of further data taking during the early part of the FY.
Finance Cost to Complete 5 Mitigation costs predominantly Additional Helium costs for magnet quenches beyond what can be paid by the common find Additional shielding – Installation issues or equipment susceptibility RF crowbar switch & spares Electrical spares for system failures Staffing element – 10k for band E cost - around 0.1 FTE (~20 days) RF staff costs have been raised – more detail in the next section. Mechanical non-staff costs increased with the more accurate estimate for the LiH Secondary absorber discs.
Final Step UK Cost to completion 6 Allocation and required figures include risk mitigation costs for equipment and staff Allocation approved to FY 15/16, proposal for the final years of the project in the new year. The 2018/19 FY request is for data analysis, paper writing …. And does include a fraction of Technical and Engineering support in the event of further operations and data taking. Required allocation for Phase 3 - £7,778k Total UK spend for MICE £42,527k RLSR 24/11/2014
RF Plan Finance 7
RF Plan 8 Since the last RLSR there has been much discussion and effort put into defining the plan for the UK going forward Following the RF review covering all aspects of the activity, the following effort plan has been defined. The final two years have significant uplift in effort to enable the installation and commissioning work to be completed on the timescale laid out in the schedule for the Cooling Demo. The figures on this page are for the STFC staff only There are University staff working with the STFC staff
Risk 9
Risk 10 Magnet Failure - Focus Coil requiring some recovery from a thermal problem. This has caused some delay and has incurred some additional effort to be put toward the recovery. The Spectrometer solenoid team are looking into recovery plans. Field Effects - This risk still persists but experience from the operation of Step IV with the PRY the risk of electronics or equipment failure is reduced. Resourcing - RF Resource is still a high risk. A great deal of discussion to secure the staff has been carried out with senior management at the Daresbury Laboratory
Risk 11 VAT Risk has hit the project with a £104k bill. STFC are interacting with Customs and Excise to recover the cost. Will remain active until all deliverables are in the country. Purchase of the Lithium Hydride Secondary absorbers will be purchased in the next FY and then the risk will be retired.