A. Matveenko: Beam halo modeling in the BERLinPro Injector Halo beam transport: Generated from cathode Tracked with /wo collimators & apertures Improved collimator modell
V. Volkov: Numerical simulation of dark current and halo particles βrβr Rms Cathode radius, nm Rms Cone angle, deg nm nm Blob&β nm The cone angle of dark current image is independent on emitter . A wire emitter attracted to a blob only gives large cone angle comparing with the experiment. [1] V. Volkov, R. Barday, T. Kamps, J. Knobloch, A. Matveenko, A. Neumann. INTERPRETATION OF DARK CURRENT EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS IN HZB SC RF GUN, IPAC 2012.
V. Volkov: Numerical simulation of dark current and halo particles Dark Current Simulations including: Various field emitter species Detailed gun geometry Electric fringe fields Magnetic fringe fields RF focussing
I. Isaev: Multipacting Simulation for the PITZ RF Photo Gun Field Emission & Multi Pacting: Field calculation (CST MS) Intra cav. tracking Multi Pacting, SEY
Open Questions: Modelling Session Dark current amount: any reliable numbers before 1st switch on ? Halo formation: which mechanisms transport particles from 1 to 10 sigma For Tracking: more precise description of dark current out of cavities (6D) UWB handling: Collimation: Yes / No / what power ? Focus on loss-less transport of UWB ? ???