Unknown Solids Lab Report Outline. Title : Unknown Solids Lab Activity – Qualitative Analysis Purpose : to investigate 5 solids in order to determine.


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Presentation transcript:

Unknown Solids Lab Report Outline

Title : Unknown Solids Lab Activity – Qualitative Analysis Purpose : to investigate 5 solids in order to determine the solids in my unknown mixture M____. Materials : List all materials from each part of the lab in columns. Do NOT repeat items.

Procedure : List steps in each procedure. Do not write in paragraph form and do not use “I”. Physical Properties 1)2) 3) etc. Liquids1) 2) etc. Heating1) Unknown1)2) 3) etc.

Data – ( You may want to show your data in a table) Solid A: white, powder… (physical properties – observations ) Liquids Heat Solid B: white, powder… (physical properties – observations) Liquids Heat Repeat for Solids C, D and E Unknown Solid M : Physical properties – list all of your observations for unknown Liquids Heat

 Conclusion – Must be written out in paragraph form. After investigating the 5 solids and my unknown, I determined that my mixture, M____ contains solids ____, ____, ____, and ____.  Which solids (A, B, C, D, or E) are in your unknown?

My unknown contains solid __, because… Explain WHY your unknown contains the solids that you listed. Use specific data from the lab to explain why you chose those letters. Relate it to physical properties, liquid test, and the heating test.