你是我的亮光和拯救 我的牧者引领我走义路 You are my light and my salvation Verse 1 你是我的亮光和拯救 Ni shi wo de liang guang he zhen jiu You are my light and my salvation 我的牧者引领我走义路 Wo de mu zhe yin ling wo zhou yi lu The shepherd who guides me to righteousness 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 1/12
你聆听我呼求 You hear me when I call Ni ling ting wo de hu qiu Verse 1 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 2/12
You are my strength when I am weak Keeping me safe from the enemies Verse 2 当我软弱你刚强我 Dang wo luan ruo NI gang qiang wo You are my strength when I am weak 保护我不受敌人伤害 Bao hu wo bu shou di ren shang hai Keeping me safe from the enemies 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 3/12
Ni zhang quan dao yong yuan Verse 2 你掌权到永远 Ni zhang quan dao yong yuan Lord you reign forever 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 4/12
I’ll sing for joy cause you have saved me All my sins are now forgiven Chorus 1 我欢唱因你已救赎我 Wo huang chang yin NI yi jiu shu wo I’ll sing for joy cause you have saved me 我众罪已全得赦免 Wo zhong zui yi quan de she mian All my sins are now forgiven 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 5/12
You shall be glorified in the highest King of kings and Lord of Lords Chorus 1 你在至高之处受尊崇 Ni zai zhi gao zhi chu shou zhun chong You shall be glorified in the highest 萬王之王萬主之主 Wan wan zhi wang wan zhu zhi zhu King of kings and Lord of Lords 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 6/12
萬國歡呼你極偉大 你己戰勝黑暗的權勢 All the nations shout your greatness Chorus 1 萬國歡呼你極偉大 Wan guo huan hu ni ji wei da All the nations shout your greatness 你己戰勝黑暗的權勢 Ni yi zhan sheng hei an de quan zhi You’ve won over the power of darkness 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 7/12
I’ll praise your name till I see you face to face Chorus 1 我稱頌你名直到我見你的面 Wo cheng song ni ming zhi dao wo jian ni de mian I’ll praise your name till I see you face to face 我的救贖主耶穌 Wo de jiu shi zhu ye shu My Saviour and my Jesus 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 8/12
我雖跌倒在患難中哭泣流淚 你擁我入懷抹乾我淚水 Bridge 我雖跌倒在患難中哭泣流淚 Wo sui die dao zai huan nan zhong ku qi liu lei Though I stumble and cry out from all troubles 你擁我入懷抹乾我淚水 Ni yong wo lu huai ma gan wo lei shui But you wipe all my tears calling me yours 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 9/12
我雖跌倒在患難中哭泣流淚 你擁我入懷抹乾我淚水 Bridge 我雖跌倒在患難中哭泣流淚 Wo sui die dao zai huan nan zhong ku qi liu lei Though I stumble and cry out from all troubles 你擁我入懷抹乾我淚水 Ni yong wo lu huai ma gan wo lei shui But you wipe all my tears calling me yours 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 10/12
I love you Jesus with my all My love for you will never change Bridge 我全心愛你主耶穌 Wo quan xin ai ni zhu ye shu I love you Jesus with my all 我願愛你永不改變 Wo yuan ai ni yong bu gai bian My love for you will never change 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 11/12
I live to praise and worship you forevermore Bridge 我屬於你 Wo shu yu Ni I’m yours 我一生要敬拜讚美你 Wo yi sheng yao jing bai zhan mei Ni I live to praise and worship you forevermore 喜乐之歌 A Song of Joy 12/12