Notes 6-1: Modern Periodic Table Here is some additional info about the periodic table. You may see some of this info on Friday’s quiz.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 16: Chalogen Group
Group 17
Group 18
Notes 6-1 ScientistContribution Antoine Lavoisier 1743 – 1794 Compiled list of all 33 known elements; organized them into 4 categories (gases, metals, nonmetals, earths) John Newlands 1837 – 1898 First to arrange by increasing atomic mass, Law of Octaves (saw repeating pattern every 8 th element) Lothar Meyer 1830 – 1895 Saw connection between atomic mass and elemental properties Dmitri Mendeleev 1834 – 1907 Arranged by atomic mass but organized into columns with similar properties; left blanks for undiscovered elements Henry Moselely 1887 – 1915 Rearranged by atomic number (# of protons)
Notes 6-1 Type of ElementLocation on the PTCharacteristics Metals Most of the left side of the periodic table (excluding hydrogen) Generally shiny and smooth solids, good conductors, malleable, ductile Alkali MetalsGroup 1 (except for H) Very reactive, usually exist as compounds, lightweight Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2Highly reactive Transition MetalsGroups 3 through 12 ITM – LanthanidesTop row of f block 15 elements, used as phosphors (emit light when struck by electrons), lasers ITM – ActinidesBottom row of f blockMostly man-made, radioactive NonmetalsRight side of PT Generally gases or dull, brittle solids, poor conductors Metalloids On the stairsteps between M & NM Have properties of both metals and non metals