Feed My Family Community Nutrition
Wk1. Aims and objectives Increase knowledge of nutrition, cooking skills and food behaviour whilst staying on budget Children’s centres
Wk1. Where is this from: Evidence based Local (Nestles, Macmillian, Harefield, Ellers road and Colham Manor Run by professionals
Wk1. What Messages you will learn Family diet (not just children) 2g of salt for toddlers (1g is a bag of crisps) Balanced calories More veg/less fruit reduce sugar Start as you mean to go on
Wk 1. What is a balanced diet? Eat Well Plate, balanced diet Is for adults and children, toddlers should have more starchy food and dairy More vegetables, less fruit and juices Cakes, biscuits and sweets should be less often Use factsheet 2. ten steps to weaning
Wk 1. What does our body need Energy- we measure them as calories Protein- for growth, most people in the UK get enough Fat- Eat the right kinds (mono and poly) Salt (a very very small amount) Vitamins and minerals- we get enough if we eat a balanced diet (apart from Vitamin D) Fibre- very important for digestion- 5 a day Be active 150 mins per week
Wk 1. What doesn’t our body need? Sugar- high energy low nutrition Flavoured drinks (only need water and milk) Caffeine- children under 16 should not have tea, coffee, cola and energy drinks Chocolate!
Wk 1. What are calories Measurement of energy kcal or calories Women need a guideline amount 2000 kcal, children vary depending on age 2000 is a guide and is an upper limit A apple has 70 kcal, a large chocolate bar has 500 kcal! Calories are on food labels. Takeaways don’t have them
Wk 1. What is 5 a day Is a minimum guide A portion fits into the palm of your hand Smaller portions for smaller people Juice and smoothies have a lot of sugar as they are CONCENTRATED fruit Aim to introduce vegetables early- 10 exposures
Wk 1 Dairy foods Most children happily eat them Full fat till 2, introduce semi skimmed and then skimmed from 5 Children’s yogurts tend to be high in sugar (buy full fat plain and flavour with fruit) Encourage cereals (as fortified) Discourage flavoured milks
Homework Please fill in the Infant and Toddler Food Diary
Week 2. Homework review Have a look at the diet diary What do your children need to eat more of? What do they need to eat less of? Was there anything that surprised you?
Week 2 Junk foods We eat too much high sugar, high fat, high salt foods in the UK Takeaways are almost always high in one or all: Sugar, Saturated Fat, salt Portion sizes are for adults (crisps, chocolate bars)
Wk 2. Toddler snacks Adult portions of crisps may have ½ a child’s salt in them (1g) Make portions smaller and look for lower salt varieties See healthy toddler snack list for ideas
Wk 2. How much sugar How many sugar cubes go into these popular drinks
Wk. 2 Treats and rewards We should offer TV time, favourite toys or days out as a reward instead of sweets Keep treat foods for weekends/parties Offer smaller portions
Homework Next week bring in food boxes so we can look at food labels
Week 3- Food labels Look at food labels What do Use by/best before mean? What do the traffic lights mean? Do all foods have traffic lights? Can you see how much salt is in those foods
Wk 3. Food label work sheet Work through sheet and activity sheet answer each question then discuss Food labels are complicated If you home cook food you know what goes into it Saturated Fat, Sugar, Salt and calories are the important ones to look out for If you don’t understand the ingredients, it’s probably unhealthy
Week 4 Toddler food If anyone is weaning (6 months) worksheet - Ten helps to weaning and discuss Toddlers can eat most family food (use less salt, chilli) Toddlers role model, they eat what you eat It can take more than 10 exposures before they like a new food If you drink cola- they will want it
Wk 4. Portion Sizes There is no set portion size for each age Children can regulate their appetite Don’t force feed and recognise when they are full Head turning, spitting out are signs of fullness Their stomach is roughly the size of their fist (small)
Wk 4. Fussy eating Everyone has different stories- you not alone! Do worksheet and fill in questions on back Be supportive and calm Children won’t starve themselves If your concerned about weight ask your health visitor
Week 5. Shopping on a budget Read though worksheet (savvy Shopping and making the basics) What do you do to save money on shopping How can you save money? Where are some good local shops? Next week bring a dish from your childhood that is important to you
Week 6. Memories of food What healthy foods did you eat as a child What will your children’s memories be? How did you make this dish? How did you make it healthier Take some photos!
Wk 6. Review Thank you Please fill in the questionnaire What have you learnt What are you going to change What support is available?