Teaching and Learning Enhancement Box Hill Institute
Welcome to Box Hill Institute 1000 Teachers teaching qualifications ranging from certificates I to IV, diplomas, advanced diplomas, associate, bachelor and master degrees.
Welcome to Box Hill Institute 1000 Teaching qualifications ranging from certificates I to IV, diplomas, advanced diplomas, associate, bachelor and master degrees. Each year we help between 40,000 and 50,000 students engage in study Every year, we help between 40,000 and 60,000 students pursue a passion, develop their potential, and kick-start their career.
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Team Tania Teese Manager Annemaree Gibson Teaching and Learning Specialist Chris Ho Teaching and Learning Specialist Kay Schlesinger Teaching and Learning Specialist
Building capacity for expert teaching and improved student outcomes
Teaching Capability Framework
Six enablers sample Teaching environment and equipment Some teaching environments facilitate effective learning Some equipment functions Some faulty equipment is rectified Limited material required for effective learning is purchased. An informal plan exists for the purchase of more innovative equipment for future Most teaching environments facilitate effective learning Most equipment functions Faulty equipment is rectified Most material required for effective learning is purchased. A plan exists for the purchase of increasingly more innovative equipment for the future All teaching environments facilitate effective learning All equipment functions Faulty equipment is rectified promptly Material required for effective learning is purchased. A sequential plan exists for the purchase of increasingly more innovative equipment for the future to further enhance learning.
Six enablers questionnaire sample Element Questions Mostly AgreePartly AgreePartly DisagreeMostly Disagree Teaching environment and equipment The teaching environment, including equipment, reflects current industry best practice environments The teaching environment including equipment supports learning There is an implemented plan to maintain and replace equipment and update teaching environments.
Four domains of quality teaching Teaching Assessment Industry collaboration Quality systems
Teacher capability framework sample Teaching Assessment Industry Consultation Quality Sub skillsIncomplete skill setEmerging skillsConsolidating skillsEstablished skills Facilitation Does not yet use strategies and skills to ensure learner engagement and achievement of learning outcomes. Does not yet create a supportive learner inter-relationships or use a range of technologies effectively Uses strategies and skills to ensure learner engagement and achievement of learning outcomes; creates supportive learner inter-relationships; uses a range of technologies effectively Develops and implements models for learner connectedness; demonstrates a range of facilitation strategies to respond to diverse learner groups and contexts; guides others in the use of alternative delivery methods Applies and models a broad range of facilitation techniques; leads others to develop their facilitation approaches across a range of delivery contexts
Teacher capability self assessment sample Teaching domainQuestions Mostly agree Partly agree Partly Disagree Mostly Disagree Teaching: I use knowledge of educational theories to create effective learning and assessment tools I identify learners’ learning styles and use a range of learning experiences to meet their needs I plan effectively for teaching sessions I clearly explain session learning outcomes for my students I change my teaching and assessment in response to learner feedback I use a wide range of strategies to ensure my learners are engaged and are learning I can create online resources to support learning using student web
Action research
Plan: Teacher capability framework Act: Teacher self assessment Observe: Self assessment outcomes Reflect: Teacher self awareness Plan: Identify a common set of understandings of what good teaching looks like in the VET sector Act:Implement customized accredited courses for teacher development and non accredited workshops Observe:Teacher observations Reflect:Teacher professional development plan
Areas for development Identified during teacher observations and from student feedback o Planning of classes o Range of learning activities o Clarity of instructions o Assessment design o Behavior management o Engaging students
Teacher development programs Accredited teacher education courses that include use of BHIG quality documents and teacher observation and feedback. Workshops on teaching strategies with an emphasis on active learning Teacher observation and customized professional development opportunities and feedback Community of practice Online materials for teachers to access through the teaching and learning college
What do we want to see happening in our classes?
Active learning
1.Effective learning happens when students are actively engaged in the learning process. 2.Activities that are interesting and challenging and provide an opportunity to have fun enhance the learning experience. 3.If the teacher does not do all of the talking, the increased participation of the students leads to greater student motivation and engagement. 4.Clearly defined expectations, learning outcomes and course requirements increase student engagement and motivation. 5.Students engage when the diversity of their experiences are acknowledged, valued and drawn upon in learning activities.
Teacher Observation Satisfactory Not Satisfactory The teacher was able to demonstrate: 1. Well planned session including clear instructions 2. Well designed session to actively engage students in learning 3. Talking no more than 60% of class time to support student participation in learning process 4. Learning Activities are interesting, challenging and fun 5. Creation of an inclusive learning environment 6. Student prior knowledge and experiences recognized and built on 7.Learning Cooperatively with peers is encouraged 8.Vocational currency
Outcomes of programs Identification of areas for development in teaching delivery Strengthening and clarification of assessment processes Improved clarity of instructions Increased uptake in teacher observation Teachers feeling valued
Feedback Thank you again for very encouraging comments the other day. It made me feel I was appreciated and valued as an employee”. M. Newhook “Thank you for all your help today. Your patience and professionalism was exceptional and made me feel more valued here at Box Hill”. A. Shorland “Hey, Thanks a lot for your hard work and commitment, I did learn a lot from you”. S. Rajapakse “Another great day, forgot to tell you of some of things I implemented in my class last week. Will give some a go again tomorrow. All great, useful strategies” M. Doyle