Cohort Training, Phase II November 29 – 30, 2012
Celebrate!!!! Please stand if your school has completed ALL announced observations. A round of applause, please!
Today we will learn... How to meet timelines more effectively The nature of a conversational walk-through Improving self-assessment How to collect LESS, but better, evidence How to prepare for the unannounced observation
Items for Clarification: Do Not Train Your mentor school The 10-day window: 10 work day The non-classroom specialists: Guidance/paras evaluated by principal, all other specialists by supervisors Library Media: own rubric, 5 touches The Portal
Notification: Train for Specialists Professional should have one week’s notice Professional should know the domains/components that will be focused upon Professional will be invited to study the rubrics for the focus domains and to be prepared to contribute see/say evidence Forms resemble teacher forms, but more generic
Process for the Two Events: Train for Specialists Discuss the evidence from both the professional and supervisor for the focus domains/components (30 minutes or more) Evidence should have been “tagged” to the domain/component by person submitting, prior to the event Professional should Independently self-assess on the focus components, then share with supervisor. (15 minutes) Professional reviews self- assessment with discussion focused on rating the components of difference (30 minutes) Summary, next steps and closure (5 minutes)
Changes to the TDES Portal: Train for ALL Projected for January 2013 Web-based Work from home Still collaborative Still involves self-assessment notifications for steps
Evidence: Useful vs. Plentiful Do not train Each component is asking a question. Evidence should answer it. 3c: About engagement, not time-on-task: To what degree is this lesson engaging students? What’s wrong with this evidence?
The problem with the evidence is It does not tell the “story” of the component... Does not paint a picture of engagement, or lack of it
A Framework for Teaching: Components of Professional Practice 9/30/2016 pbevan 10 Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities a. Reflecting on Teaching b. Maintaining Accurate Records c. Communicating with Families d. Participating in a Professional Community e. Growing and Developing Professionally f.Showing Professionalism Domain 3: Instruction a. Communicating with Students b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques c. Engaging Students in Learning d. Using Assessment in Instruction e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 1: Planning and Preparation a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students c. Setting Instructional Outcomes d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources e. Designing Coherent Instruction f. Designing Student Assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport b. Establishing a Culture for Learning c. Managing Classroom Procedures d. Managing Student Behavior e. Organizing Physical Space
3c: Engaging Students in Learning Activities were: Activities were/not differentiated for certain students who... Students worked/did not work in groups created by... For... Cognitive tasks involved: (Bloom’s, etc.) Students interviewed about their learning Lesson beginning... Middle... End...
Whole Group Instruction Vs. Differentiated (1e, 3c) Train for all Are there students w/IEPs? Gifted or talented students? Students who are slow/fast processors? Yesterday’s formative assessment? Interests that could be accommodated?
Differentiating Train for all Content Process Product
The Unannounced Observation: Train for ALL Global range for the timeline Observer looks at daily lesson plan and writes evidence on lesson plan form. Other evidence for D1 can be discussed in the post. Teachers do not write an expanded plan at any time during the unannounced process. Observation, evidence collection/share, self-assessment remain the same Post-conference remains the same, except for deeper conversation about D1.
The Daily Lesson Plan: Suggestions Train for ALL It’s not what you write, it’s how you THINK. Think about three things: 1c: What will students learn in today’s lesson? 1e: How will I teach it in a differentiated manner? 1f: How will I measure which students learned it?
Inference for the Unannounced: Train for ALL In 90% of the cases, what is planned is what gets taught What does not get planned rarely gets taught Component 3e is for the “unplanned” evidence of flexibility Teacher can add evidence as usual, but may not write “the novel” lesson plan after the lesson has been taught The post conference may elicit “say” evidence for D1, which would be added to the evidence record.
Make a choice... Train for all 1. When there is no evidence Some question we have about TDES Skewed teacher self-assessment...
1. When there is no evidence... Train for all Does not apply? Ineffective? Effective?
2. Share with Others... Train for all What is a struggle that your team/school is currently having with the TDES process?
3. Self-Assessment Train for all Are there teachers who are significantly inaccurate in their self-assessments? When do I “call it”?
Using PD 360: Before the Holiday...Train for ALL Show the faculty a PD 360 video of teaching Invite them to collect evidence Compare evidence in groups and add or adjust Score the lesson in groups Discuss and come to consensus
Today we will learn... How to meet timelines more effectively The nature of a conversational walk-through Improving self-assessment How to collect LESS, but better, evidence How to prepare for the unannounced observation