Educator Recruitment and Development Office of Professional Development The NC Teacher Evaluation Process 1
2 Overview of the Teacher Instrument WELCOME
3 The Rubric and Rating Scale Performance Descriptors 1. Developing – Demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance 2. Proficient – Demonstrated desired basic competence on standards of performance 3. Accomplished – Exceeded desired basic competence on standards for performance most of the time and shared competence with peers
4 Performance Descriptors 4. Distinguished – Consistently and significantly exceeded desired basic competence on standards of performance and conducted workshops sharing best practices outside of LEA 5. Not Demonstrated – Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance [NOTE: If the “Not Demonstrated” rating is used, the evaluator must provide a comment about why it was used.]
5 School Improvement Plan School Improvement Team Minutes North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey Data Student Achievement Data (formative and summative) Curriculum Planning Data Lesson Plans/Evidence of Collaborative Planning Student Dropout Data Teacher Retention Data National Board Certification Activities Professional Development Documentation of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Student Work Evidence of Communication A crosswalk through the artifacts…
Query: What are examples of 21 st century skills and global learning a principal may look for in the classroom or during pre/post conferences? Lesson Plans that include… –Balanced Literacy –differentiated instruction –cooperative learning strategies –CIF (Curriculum Instructional Framework) –incorporation of global issues as appropriate Observable items include… –differentiated leveled groups –evidence of collaboration – students and teachers –effective feedback –facilitation that guides students to elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their own ideas
Teacher Evaluation Process 7
NC Standards for Teachers Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate leadership Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their practice 8
9 Definitions Teachers with less than 3 years– BTs, Lateral Entry, Temporary Contract, VIF, First 3 years with DCS –Comprehensive Evaluation Plan Career Status– Teachers who have been granted Career Status in their district –Abbreviated Evaluation Plan Non-Career Status – Teachers with 4 or more years –Standard Evaluation Plan (Career Status Teachers in renewal June 30, 2017)
10 Definitions School Executives – Principals and assistant principals licensed to work in North Carolina Self-assessment – Personal reflection about one’s professional practice to identify strengths and areas for improvement (conducted w/out input from others) Summary Evaluation Form – A composite assessment of the teacher’s performance based on the evaluation rubric and supporting evidence
11 The Components Component 1: Training A full training on standards and components of the process You must log into system and acknowledge cycle and Orientation by tomorrow afternoon at 4:00! If you need assistance, please see me or Mrs. Hardy Component 2: Orientation Yearly Within two weeks of a teacher’s first day Includes a copy of rubric, policy, deadlines, & notification to Career Status teachers of evaluation year
12 Component 3: Teacher Self-Assessment Uses the rubric Is done by individual (without input from others) Used to develop PDP Used in pre and post conferences Is not collected by principal or evaluator
13 Component 4: Pre- Observation Conference Occurs before any observations happen during the year Discuss the self-assessment, PDP & lesson(s) to be observed Teacher will have written lesson plan available for principal to review **Subsequent observations do not require a pre- observation conference
14 Component 5: Observations BT, Lateral, VIF, First 3 years in DCS Comprehensive Evaluation: 4 Formal Observations: 3 Administrative, 1 Peer Career Status teachers: (in their renewing year of evaluation ending June 30, 2017) Non – Career Status teachers: (Teachers not with Career Status with more than 4 years) Standard Evaluation: 3 Observations: 2 Informal's and 1 Formal Career Tenure Teachers: 2 Abbreviated Observations (Standards 1 and 4)
15 NOTE: Formal observations (one complete lesson or a minimum of 45 minutes) Informal and Abbreviated observations (a minimum of 20 minutes) Any observation may be announced or unannounced Evaluator uses the rubric as a recording tool Artifacts may be necessary when a discrepancy occurs
16 Component 6: Post-Observation Conferences Must occur after each formal observation Must occur no later than 10 school days after the observation Designed for the purpose of identifying areas of strength, those in need of improvement and student academic success Requires review and signature of rubric Component 7: Summary Evaluation Conference Bring self-assessment Review observations and any additional artifacts Sign Summary Rating sheet & Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities Begin discussion for future goals
17 Summary Rating Sheet Every element and every standard is rated Not Demonstrated rating requires comment Ratings are based on everything you know about that teacher, including observations Overall rating for each standard is chosen by the evaluator after reviewing all of the elements within a standard Comments can be added from teacher at end of conference Signature page required
18 Component 8: Professional Development Plans After completing Year 1 of implementation, this is how to determine the level of PDP for a teacher: Teachers who are rated as “Proficient” or higher on all standards will develop an Individual Growth Plan Teachers who are rated as “Developing” on any standard will be placed on a Monitored Growth Plan Teachers who are rated as “Not Demonstrated” on any standard or has a rating of “Developing” for two sequential years will be placed on a Directed Growth Plan Monitored and Directed Plans meet the state guidelines of an “action plan”. Individual districts determine those recommendations
Evaluation Timeline