Welcome to Chat #2 The Guidelines for Unit #1 IP
What is Art? Assignment Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 1 Page Points Possible: 100 On the internet, look up and list more than one definition of the word “art.” You can use online reference sources such as: Then, search the internet and find one example of each of the following types of art. Submit the URL for each example, a description of the art and an explanation of why this example fits the definition(s) of the word "art.” Painting Sculpture Architecture Photography Printmaking Conceptual Art Installation Art Performance Art
Note: Make certain your paper conforms to the requirements of the APA format, including a cover page and a list of references. For additional information and resources on APA, visit the APA section of the Cybrary, available under "Cybrary Features.“ A sample paper is included in my “Course Info & Expectations” Announcement Please submit the final paper and include pictures of the works and/or links to the works you choose.
So first thing.. you are to look up "more than one" definition of art.You are to find definitions for the word “art” ….just the word “art” ….not the art forms that are listedUse real definitions of art...not merely quotes from famous artistsUse the website provided and any other resources for more definitions Here’s one of my fave sites for art research: The more definitions for the word “art” you can list the better it will be Listing more than one definition will give you more options to use when you have to apply them for your explanation
#2. Then you are to find an example of each of the art forms listed The important thing in this assignment is that you find relevant websites for each art form, 8 in all, then give a description of the art and an explanation of why this example fits the definition(s) of the word "art.” Do not give me definitions for the art forms…just the word “art”
So for painting, for example, you might Google the words “famous paintings” then you'll find a relevant site that is also reliable (DO NOT USE RETAIL SITES...EBAY IS NOT A RELIABLE SITE FOR ACADEMIC INFORMATION) Do not use Wikipedia. It is not a reliable source of research as anyone can add anything they want.
So you'll find a site that is has an example of important paintings or is about a famous painter or provides information on "painting" as an art form Reliable sites would be museums, galleries, or universities and other.org or.edu sites.
So for instance if you choose a site about the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci You’ll tell me why painting is “art” by applying the definitions you found in the first part of the assignment Or you may search for a museum. For example: The Van Gogh Museum in AmsterdamThen find a painting there and talk about thatTHEN....you are to write an explanation of why this art form fits the definition(s) of the word "art.” You need to be a defense attorney for the arts and DEFINE and DEFEND the art form
Please find websites that interest and intrigue you. Please use reliable, educational, organizational sites for your 8 websites. Again…let me remind you: RETAIL SITES ARE NOT RELIABLE EDUCATIONAL SOURCES. Do not use EBay as a source or a source that is selling posters! Remember this too: You cannot screen scrape from websites as this is not your own words If you do quote a sentence or two, you need to use quotation marks and cite your sources in the text of your paper… directly following the quote in a parenthetical citation according to proper APA format
So you simply need to find one relevant website for each art form Then defend it using the definitions you found In addition....make sure you organize your IP according to my “Instructor Comment” where I explain it List the art form then the url (this is the internet address) for the website and a reason why it's art by applying the definitions. ELABORATE on all the details.
The following is an example of how to organize your paper to help you clearly address the assignment requirements: At the top of your paper you'll have listed several definitions for the word "art." Remember you have to cite your sources if you use direct quotes. For example… for Painting, it would look like this #1. Painting: “This website is the official website for the renowned artist Andy Warhol who was considered the founder of the Pop Art Movement. (Following this you can go into as much detail as you want about the artist and one of his paintings). Painting is an art because the first definition applies…” (then apply the definition by reiterating it here.)
You can add more to your explanation. You can include more information, quotations, references, resources and commentary to help make your paper an excellent paper
Here’s another example to help you: For Architecture You could find a college or university architecture program Or find a work of architecture that intrigues you Describe the website and the architecture in your own words Then explain how architecture fits the definition of “art” by using the appropriate definitions you chose in the first part of the assignment
So… There are 3 parts to this IP #1. List SEVERAL definitions for the word "art” Just the word art…DO NOT LIST DEFINITIONS FOR THE ART FORMS #2. Find one website for each of the 8 art forms listed and include the link to the page you want me to see…don’t make me hunt for what you are talking about #3. Describe the website AND defend why the art form is actually art BY APPLYING THE DEFINTIONS YOU FOUND IN #1. Elaborate on the details.I will say this over and over again Art appreciation is all about the details. So you have to talk about the details..in detail.
Here are more tips to help you succeed as you learn this new “language” called art -use the cybrary to help you with any issues on writing papers if it’s been a long time since you wrote a paper -use APA style format in all written assignments. We take Academic Honesty very seriously. I GOOGLE text and if there are issues it will go to my Dean. -cite your sources -use a cover page for all IP papers according to APA format -include a Reference list for both DB and IP according to APA format -review the announcement “Course Information & Expectations” and the “Instructor Files” on the Course Home and the APA section in the cybrary to help you with APA format.
Read the assignment requirements carefully making notes of EXACTLY what is expected There may be several questions or parts to each assignment- Do the reading in the text When writing your DB and IP organize your paper according to the assignment. If there are 3 parts to the assignment then write about #1, then #2, then #3 in order of what is being asked Following the assignment requirements and following the directions is very important. I cannot give you points if you don’t fulfill all the requirements for the assignment or if you don’t follow directions….so make sure you understand what is being asked
I grade individually....and ask you to do your very best Teaching and art are my passions in life...my career choices You'll get the very best teacher I can be....and the proof of that is: you'll learn the language of art!
So...have a great week me if you have any questions. I'm here to help you succeed.-Ciao!