FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March 2011 1 WP 10.5 HOM Distribution Roger M. Jones Contribution from Cockcroft Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March WP 10.5 HOM Distribution Roger M. Jones Contribution from Cockcroft Institute and The University of Manchester

FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March To Do ListTo Do List: 10.5 HOM Distribution 10.5 HOM Distribution Priority (2) Normal Status In Progress % Complete 0% Assigned To Roger Jones DescriptionRoger Jones Development of HOM based beam position monitors (HOMBPM) (N. Baboi / DESY) Development of HOM Cavity Diagnostics and ERLP (HOMCD) (R.M. Jones / CI) Measurement of HOM Distributions and Geometrical Dependences (HOMDG) (U. van Rienen / UROS). Start Date 01/04/2009 Due Date 31/03/2013 Ref: official EuCARD Espace:

FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March WP 10.5 Milestones & Deliverables One Milestone on the horizon – (Nicoleta) HOM Alignment Cavity Electronics Verification, 30 th March Two deliverables  (Nicoleta) HOM electronics and code to probe beam centering of 3.9 GHz cavities, 29 th March 2013  (Roger) Report on HOM experimental method and code, 29 th March 2013

4 FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March 2011 On track for milestones and deliverables Five conf. pubs ( and ) -SCRF, PAC + two Linac (complete!) and an ongoing EuCARD/DESY internal report (written largely by Ian and reviewed by Hans-Walter, in process!). PRST- AB Pub (spearheaded by Hans-Walter, in progress)? Measurements continuing at FLASH –more analysis + exps needed to understanding cavity coupling. Progress (Pei) on SVD vs DLR Trapped higher band modes verified experimentally –implementing electronics will be problematic Simulations ongoing –single, through to full 4-cavity module. Capitalizes on efficient use of globalised cascading (CST and recent HFSS results available). Hans-Walter, Thomas and Roger presented at Cornell HOM workshop (Oct 11 th - 13 th, 2010) Upcoming -Paris 4-5 May (SC WP10), 2 nd EuCARD review (10-13 th May) Proposal –”HOM loads and Diagnostics” Workshop (12-14 th Sept, 2011) WP 10.5 Summary