FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March WP 10.5 HOM Distribution Roger M. Jones Contribution from Cockcroft Institute and The University of Manchester
FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March To Do ListTo Do List: 10.5 HOM Distribution 10.5 HOM Distribution Priority (2) Normal Status In Progress % Complete 0% Assigned To Roger Jones DescriptionRoger Jones Development of HOM based beam position monitors (HOMBPM) (N. Baboi / DESY) Development of HOM Cavity Diagnostics and ERLP (HOMCD) (R.M. Jones / CI) Measurement of HOM Distributions and Geometrical Dependences (HOMDG) (U. van Rienen / UROS). Start Date 01/04/2009 Due Date 31/03/2013 Ref: official EuCARD Espace:
FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March WP 10.5 Milestones & Deliverables One Milestone on the horizon – (Nicoleta) HOM Alignment Cavity Electronics Verification, 30 th March Two deliverables (Nicoleta) HOM electronics and code to probe beam centering of 3.9 GHz cavities, 29 th March 2013 (Roger) Report on HOM experimental method and code, 29 th March 2013
4 FP7 SC WP 10 Task 5, Meeting #4, R.M. Jones, Cockcroft Inst., 10 h March 2011 On track for milestones and deliverables Five conf. pubs ( and ) -SCRF, PAC + two Linac (complete!) and an ongoing EuCARD/DESY internal report (written largely by Ian and reviewed by Hans-Walter, in process!). PRST- AB Pub (spearheaded by Hans-Walter, in progress)? Measurements continuing at FLASH –more analysis + exps needed to understanding cavity coupling. Progress (Pei) on SVD vs DLR Trapped higher band modes verified experimentally –implementing electronics will be problematic Simulations ongoing –single, through to full 4-cavity module. Capitalizes on efficient use of globalised cascading (CST and recent HFSS results available). Hans-Walter, Thomas and Roger presented at Cornell HOM workshop (Oct 11 th - 13 th, 2010) Upcoming -Paris 4-5 May (SC WP10), 2 nd EuCARD review (10-13 th May) Proposal –”HOM loads and Diagnostics” Workshop (12-14 th Sept, 2011) WP 10.5 Summary