Event Planning in MNsure Outreach
Welcome! Today We Will Cover: Why events matter in outreach Establishing the basics The nuts and bolts of event planning Writing an event plan 2
Icebreaker! Find a partner you don’t know Introduce yourselves Think of your best event (any event!) What made it so great? What could have made it better? 3
What Benefits do Events Bring Us? 4
Maximize resources Target the work Build relationships 5
Establishing the Basics Objectives Audience 6
Objective: Enrollment Significant planning & prep of attendees More staff Can include secondary objectives 7
Objective: Education Significant planning Speech or presentation May include more staff Doesn’t need to be an assister Can include secondary objectives Outreach 8
Objective: Outreach Less significant planning & staff Anyone can do it Can include secondary objectives Education 9
Importance of Objectives Impacts your needs Space Partners Staffing Attendee prep 10
Targeting Your Audience Why is this necessary? 11
Targeting Your Audience Why is this necessary? Who to invite and how Event objective Partners to engage Staffing needs 12
4 Event Planning Work Buckets Logistics Turnout Day-Of Post-Event 13
You Try It! 14
Writing an Event Plan Event plan template Materials check list 15
Let’s Put It All Together! 16
Thank You for Coming! 17