Direction ou Département ou Service Pôles de Compétitivité, Clusters : The experience of the Chamber of commerce and industry of Lyon Implemented in French speaking African countries October 28 th 2008, Cape Town Yves Guyon Général Manager Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon
Implémentating in francophones countries Our goal Business networks are used by all actors in all fields all over the world. Francophone African countries have to use these new tools. We, as active members in TCI, can facilitate the understanding of TCI offer. Our project A Cluster intitiative in francophone African countries with the main French and European financing organisations (UE, AFD, ONUDI..) Clusters in Transports, Water, Environment, Energy, Food Industry,Tourism, etc.. In UEMOA countries
Implementating in francophones countries Many actors: L’UEMOA, CCIs, Régions, Métropoles, Pôles de Compétitivité, Clusters, CPCCAF, Eurochambre, La Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Lyon,.. Financers: CDE, AFD, Régions de France, Francophonie… Concrete actions Common trainings, Co-investments, new services, shared facilities (manufacturing, buildings,), etc..
PROJECT SPONSORS PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 C1 C2C5C4C5 STEERING : -Project team, PM, AA) - Companies - universities - users PHASIS : -Proposal -Labellisation -Financing TRANSPORTWATER ENVIRONMENT ENERGYFOOD INDUSTRY Executive Board Project Manager C Consulting STATES FINANCERS PM MAPPING : ( 1 ST tour, 3 months) STRATEGY : (2 months) MEMBERSHIP : ( 2 nd tour 3 months ) Association METHODOLOGY: Regional Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Executive Board Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 0
Phase 0 : Global management Régional board Who: States, Consultancy partners, Project managers and Financial… Role: Guarantee the results Give out objectives Send Calls for tender Budget and planning management, Homogeneous progress
Phase 1: Organization and planning Mapping ( 1st tour 3 months) Companies visits, understanding problems, evaluation of company capability to work in cluster, evaluation of needs. Strategy proposal (2 months) After meetings, strategy proposal acceptable by managers (most of them) Association membership ( 2 nd tour 3 months ) Share the strategic vision Being a support for this approach Become a member (right and obligation) End of phase 1: creating the association
Phase 2: Concrete project life According to governance : Projects for the cluster association Each member can propose collaborative project (2 or 3 partners) Process decision, to choose cluster projects and to support for finances After agreement, project realization Technical support To improve competitiveness, training, quality process etc … according to companies needs
Project planning Finalization of the project ( end of 2008) Partnerships ( end of 2008) Proposal February 27 th 2009