A book made by
Region Homes Occupations Transportation farmers fishermen hunters horsemen Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwest Region Pictures Home Pictures Occupation Pictures Transportation Pictures hunters
farmers fishermen hunters horsemen Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwest Region Pictures Home Pictures Occupation Pictures Transportation Pictures Region Homes Occupations Transportation hunters
farmers fishermen hunters horsemen Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwest Region Pictures Home Pictures Occupation Pictures Transportation Pictures Region Homes Occupations Transportation hunters
Indians Region Homes Occupations Transportation Powhatan Indians Lakota Indians Pueblo Indians Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwest wood and bark houses Teepees multi-story terraced buildings fishermen hunters farmers hunters horsemen farmers hunters walked paddled canoes walked used horses walked
American Indians first arrived during the Ice Age when Nomads followed herds of animals across a land bridge from Asia to North America. American Indians were the first Americans. American Indians lived in tribes all over the United States. American Indians made many contributions to present-day life. pottery jewelry weaving legends and stories respect for nature farming