Root Practice for Monday a-without an-without
Make your prediction In the chart you have drawn in your spiral, please use Your new understanding of the root The context of the following sentences The context of the following pictures To predict the definition of each word.
Abyss In Alice in Wonderland, Alice fell through a keyhole and into an abyss.
Amnesia I have been getting so bad at remembering the most simple things that I am afraid that I have amnesia at times.
Anesthetic Can you imagine what surgery must have been like in the days before they had anesthetics?
Anomaly A flightless bird is somewhat of an anomaly. Most can and do fly.
Apathy The teachers are trying hard to combat the apathy of our student body.
Anarchy When the American Indians populated the American continent, many didn’t have a formal government, but had an anarchy instead.
Apolitical The president’s trip to Hawaii was totally apolitical. He had no meetings to attend and was just going for fun.
Atrophy When injuring your leg, it is important to rehabilitate the muscle. If you don’t your leg can begin to atrophy.
Asymmetrical Several years ago, asymmetrical tops were really popular with girls.
Words and Definitions abyss n. A hole without an end amnesia n. Without memory anesthetic n. A drug that causes you to be without feeling anomaly n. Something Without the normal qualities apathy adj. Without interest or energy anarchy n. Without a formal government apolitical n. Without politics atrophy n. When something is without muscle asymmetrical adj. Without balance, symmetry, or being even
Tuesday 1. Sometimes my mom calls my backpack the great ____________ because it swallows up anything you put it it. 2. Rosemary’s face is ______________. Her left ear is bigger than her right ear, and while her right eye is green, her left one is blue. 3. My math class last year was total _________________. The teacher had no control over us, and there were students going crazy. 4. People around the United States have a lot of ___________ when it comes to politics and voting. For some reason, people just don’t care much about our government. 5. Vanilla Ice and Eminem are ___________________. While most rappers are African American, these guys defy the stereotype. 6. My Language Arts class is so boring that instead of actually expanding my learning, I think my brain suffers from ____________ while I am in there! Using your vocabulary words from yesterday, please complete each sentence. You do not have to write out each sentence.
Minutes spent reading per day Words per yearPercentile on Standardized Test 654,358,00098% 21.11,823,00090% 14.21,146,00080% ,00070% ,00060% ,00050% ,00040% ,00030%.721,00020%.18,00010% 002%
Root Practice: Wednesday Try to match up the vocabulary words with one of the pictures below. Create your own interpretation. Be prepared to defend your response!
Root Practice: Thursday Words that deal with the medical field Words that have to do with feelings Outlaw Words (don’t fit in either)
Warm-Up: FRIDAY You have four minutes to study your vocabulary words; Your quiz will begin shortly.