MATTER: Anything that occupies space, has volume and mass Everything is made up of matter Properties of Matter MASSVOLUME The amount of matter something has You measure it in kilograms and grams The space that an object occupies You measure it in liters
OTHER PROPERTIES OF MATTER DENSITY: The relationship between mass and volume. HARDNESS: If it is difficult to break than the matter is hard, if it breaks easily it is fragile. ELASTICITY: If it regains its form after being stretched the matter is elastic. WATERPROOF: When matter doesn't’t allow liquid to pass through it is waterproof. TRANSPARENCY: If the matter lets light pass it is transparent, if light doesn't’t pass through it is opaque.
STATES OF MATTER SOLID: It maintains the same shape, occupies the same space, and maintains the same volume LIQUID: Doesn't’t have a permanent shape, and maintains the same volume GAS: Doesn't’t have a permanent shape, and doesn’t maintain the same volume. If gas squeezes together it loses volume. It adapts to the space it is in.
CHANGES IN MATTER PHYSICAL CHANGES: Happens when the matter changes its form, size, or temperature. The matter composition doesn’t change EXAMPLE: Water freezing into ice CHEMICAL CHANGES Happens when the matter changes form and becomes a different substance EXAMPLE: A piece of burnt wood turns into ash and smoke
PHYSICAL CHANGES The composition of the matter doesn't’t change REVERSIBLEIRREVERSIBLE The matter returns to its original state. Body temperature varies: If it receives heat it goes up and if it loses heat it goes down Volume varies: If it receives heat the volume increases and if it loses heat the volume decreases It is impossible for the matter to return to its previous state
MELTING From solid to liquid EXAMPLE: ICE MELTING EVAPORATION From liquid to gas EXAMPLES: drying clothes, boiling water CONDENSATION From gas to liquid EXAMPLE: water from a hot bath or hot pot SOLIDIFICATION From liquid to solid EXAMPLE: Water turning into ice
MIXTURES Formed by combining two or more different substances HETEROGENIOUSHOMOGENEOUS You can distinguish the different substances by just looking at it EXAMPLE: ROCKS AND WATER You cant distinguish the different substances by just looking at it Alloy: Homogeneous mixture of metals. BRASS = copper and zinc Dissolution: Homogeneous mixture of 2 liquids or a liquid and solid
SEPERATING MIXTURES FILTRATION: Separates heterogeneous mixtures of a solid and a liquid DECANTATION: Separates heterogeneous mixtures made of two liquids EVAPORATION: Separates homogeneous mixtures made of a solid and a liquid DISTILLATION: Separates homogeneous mixtures made of liquids
CHEMICAL CHANGES The properties and composition of the matter change, thus becoming different matter (but the mass doesn't’t change) OXIDATION - When a substance combines with oxygen COMBUSTIBLE -A material that can light on fire, it gives off heat and light
CHEMICAL CHANGES (2) FERMENTATION A chemical change that takes place in the absence of oxygen and by the presence of certain living things TYPES NATURAL EXAMPLE: When the butter goes bad ARTIFICIAL When humans step in and take advantage of resources to make items last longer, such as wine or yogurt