6 th Grade Elements of Design
Line Line is the path of a point move across a surface. A line can be used to express different feelings, meanings, and forms.
Color Color is what we see because of reflecting light. Color properties: Hue, value, intensity – Hue: Color name – Value: Lightness or Darkness – Intensity: Purity of the color
Shape A shape has only 2 Dimensions, including what is enclosed in an area or outline. 2 types of shape: Geometric and Organic – Geometric: precise and regular. Examples: Triangle, Circle, Square. – Organic: irregular and mostly found in nature. Examples: leaves, flowers, clouds.
Form A form has 3 Dimensions and it includes the enclosure and volume of a shape Shapes such as: Cube, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, etc. 2 types of 3D Modeling: Mechanical and Organic – Mechanical: An sculpture/form made out of basic 3D shapes or anything man-made. – Organic: An sculpture/form made out of smooth edges or found in nature.
Value Value is the lightness and darkness of a base color. Value has varying levels of contrast between the same color.
Texture Texture is the tactile quality of the surface. 2 types of Texture: Actual, Simulated. – Actual: Texture comes from real materials. – Simulated: Gives you the illusion of a Texture. Examples: Painted Fabric, Digital Yarn.
Space Space is the creation of visual perspective. Space is the illusion of depth. 2 types of Space: Positive & Negative – Positive: refers to the part of the work that takes up space. – Negative: is the area around the object that takes up that space.