Decomposer Information:(Picture goes below) Common Name: earth worms Scientific Name: Lumbricus terrestris Habitat: Earthworms live in the ground, they eat little tiny insects and compost if you make a compost bin Favorite Meal: dirt and/or decaying things Other Fun Facts: Worms can eat their weight each day
Decomposer Information:(Picture goes below) Common Name: Pikeminnow Scientific Name: Ptychocheilus Lucius Habitat: Swift flowing muddy rivers with quiet, warm backwater Favorite Meal: fish-eaters smaller individuals also eat insects and other invertebrates. Other Fun Facts: Pikeminnows have been known to reach six feet in length and 80 pounds in weight.
Information:(Picture goes below) Common Name: Arkansas Darter Scientific Name: Etheostoma Cragini Habitat: The Arkansas darter prefers shallow, clear, sandy streams with spring-fed pools an abundant rooted aquatic vegetation. Favorite Meal: Arkansas darters feed on a variety of aquatic insects and some plant material, including small seeds. Other Fun Facts: The Arkansas darter is a three-inch cousin of the walleye and yellow perch. Its back has many fine, black specks and a dark, vertical wedge-shaped spot beneath its eye. Its body has 12 to 14 dusky stripes along the sides. In April and May, breeding males are bright orange underneath. Decomposer
Consumer, Producer, Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, Scavenger, Decomposer Information:(Picture goes below) Common Name: Razorback Sucker Scientific Name: Xyrauchen Texanus Habitat: razorbacks are found in deep, clear to turbid waters of large rivers and some reservoirs over mud, sand or gravel Favorite Meal:Like most suckers, the razorback feeds on both plant and animal matter. Other Fun Facts:bronze to yellow fish that grows to a weight of about 15 pounds and has a sharp-edged keel behind the head. Breeding males turn gray-black with a bright orange belly.
Decomposer Information: (Picture goes below) Common Name: Greenback Cutthroat Trout Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus clarki stomias Habitat: cold, clear, gravely headwater streams and mountain lakes which provide an abundant food supply of insects. Favorite Meal: crustaceans such as fresh-water shrimp, aquatic and terrestrial insects, and small fish Other Fun Facts:The greenback cutthroat trout is listed as threatened both federally and in Colorado. Their numbers began to decline due to over-fishing, stocking of rainbow, brook, brown and Yellowstone cutthroat trout in their habitat, and loss of high-quality trout stream habitat due to logging, livestock over-grazing, water diversions and municipal and industrial pollution.