Taping, Wrapping and Bandaging Chapter 11
Taping, Wrapping and Bandaging Taping, wrapping and bandaging are a major skill in athletic training. Used to care for injuries Used to protect injuries An athletic trainer needs to be proficient at it. Used with protective padding and in rehabilitation.
Taping: Injury Care Adhesive tape is used in a number of different ways Retention of wound dressing Stabilization of compression (ace/elastic) bandages Support of recent injuries
Taping: Injury Protection Protection is achieved by limiting the range of motion, By securing a protective device or padding
Taping: Types of Tape There are two (2) catagories of tape, Linen or adhesive, and Stretch or elastic
Taping: Types of Tape Linen (adhesive) Use in sports because of: Adaptability, Uniform adhesive mass, Adhering qualities, Strength of baking material, & Lightness
Taping: Types of Tape Stretch (elastic): There are 2 categories of stretch tape: Low Tensile Strength (LTS) High Tensile Strength (HTS)
Taping: Types of Tape Stretch (elastic): {2} Used: In combination w/Adhesive Tape Because of it conforming qualities over angular body parts
Taping: Types of Tape Both types come in a variety of widths. The most common widths used in athletic training are: Linen: (1/2”, 1”, 1 ½”, 2”) Stretch: (1”, 2”, 3”)
Taping: Types of Tape Tape Storage When storing tape the following steps need to be taken: Store in a cool/dry place (low) Stack so that tape rest on it’s flat top and bottom (avoids distortion)
Taping When purchasing tape the following need to be considered: Cost Grade of backing Quality of adhesive mass Winding/Unwinding tension
Tape Cost: Tape Grade: # of longitudinal fibers/inch of backing material (85-more expensive, 65 or less- cheaper) # of vertical fibers/inch of backing material (65-more expensive, 45 or less-cheaper)
Tape Adhesive Mass When applied and should maintain adherence despite profuse perspiration or activity. Contain few skin irritants. Be able to be removed w/o leaving tape residue. Be able to be removed w/o pulling away the superficial skin
Tape Winding/Unwinding Tension Tape must be wound w/even tension on the roll There must be even unwinding There must be a constant unwinding If the roll has proper winding and unwinding tension
Tape Preparation for Taping Special attention must be taken when applying tape directly to the skin. Skin should be clean and dry. Hair removed by shaving to prevent additional irritation Tape adherent (Tuf-skin) should be applied if more adherence is needed. Taping directly to the skin provides the most support. Pre-wrap can be used (should be only 1 layer thick) Heel and lace pads should be applied.
Tape Proper Taping Technique The following depends on the body part being taped: Selection of proper width of tape Selection of Adhesive or Elastic Supportive tape improperly applied can aggravate an existing injury or disrupt the mechanics of a body part, causing a new injury.
Tape Rules for Tape Application Place in a neutral position Place in position to be stabilized Make allowances for muscles to contract and expand. Overlap at least 1/3 to ½ the width of the tape Avoid continuous taping Keep tape roll in your hand as much as possible Smooth & mold the tape as you go Allow tape to fit the natural contours of the skin Start w/”anchor” and end w/”Lock strip” Where maximum support is needed; Tape directly on the skin.
Tape Removing Tape Manual removal Use of scissors or cutters Chemical solvents
Tape Tearing Tape Hold roll in preferred hand with index finger through the center With the other hand grasp the loose end and hold between the thunb and index finger With both hands make a quick scissor like motion Learning to tear tape effectively from many positions is essential for speed and effciency
Tape Effectiveness of Taping