EMERGENCY RESPONSE SUPPLIES AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Presented by Ashley Greek Preservation Specialist Library of Congress
PERK Packs Preservation Emergency Response Kits
Preservation Emergency Response Kits What are they? When and how should they be used? - Training is provided upon request/schedule rotation - Explain the tools and supplies contained in the PERK - Remind staff of protocol for reporting a water leak - Answer questions
Collections Recovery Room Houses all the supplies to replenish the PERK packs This room is also used for the recovery process after an event The equipment includes a ductless fume hood, 2 freezers, HEPA Vacuums, multiple fans and large tables….
Each PERK is assembled with specific materials that we have found useful over the years. Contents of a PERK
Intellectual Control Information Emergency instruction sheet, clipboard, paper pad, markers/pencils/china marker, post-it pads/index cards, sheet protectors
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Aprons, gloves, and masks
Collection Protection Equipment Absorbent pads, plastic sheeting, sponge, paper towels, packing tape, zip lock bags, trash bags, binder clips, cable ties, safety knife, and caution tape
Ashley Greek Preservation Specialist Conservation Division, Library of Congress 1 (202) Many Thanks to the following : Andrew Robb, Megan Keister, Marlan Green, Jennifer Lewis, Conservation Staff and the LoC PERT Team- current and past members.