5 subject notebook SHARPENED Pencils #2 Pens (blue or black) Post-It Tabs Glue or tape Highlighters Colored pencils
If you do not have a pencil, I will lend you one ONLY if you give me your cell phone. You will get your phone back when I get my pencil back
You will not be excused from any work you missed. Get the assignment from a classmate and do it at home. You will receive a tardy and it will count as a and step in the discipline process.
1.Enter Quietly 2.Go to your ASSIGNED seat 3.Complete your agenda 4.Do the bell work-independently
I will count down 5, 4, 3 and the whole class should be completely quiet by the time I get to 1
Do not ask to leave the classroom during the first 10 minutes of class, the last 10 minutes of class or during direct instruction. If you are given permission to leave the room Sign out on the bathroom log. When you return from the restroom sign back in. Failure to follow the procedure could result in loss of privilege
You should have an ISN which will be used for only your SS class. 5 Subject spiral Use pen or pencil to write in your ISN (NO MARKERS) Keep your ISN clean and organized. YES IT IS A GRADE! Your ISN will be collected and checked from time to time. Turn it in on time when you are asked. Take good care of your ISN. Do not lose it. You will be required to replace it if you loose the provided notebook. And you will have to replace the work in it
Make sure you read and/or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time. Talking during output activities should be kept to a bare minimum. Homework is due the NEXT DAY Assignments that are not going in your ISN will be turned into the TURN IN basket
If you do not have your work when I check, it will be entered as a ZERO. Any work not completed by the end of a unit will not be accepted for credit. Long term projects are due on their due dates. 10% is taken off for each day late.
Grading Policy A B C D 59 and below F 30% of Grade Based on class work and homework assignments 70% based on Assessment including but not limited to Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Portfolio's
Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Put all of the supplies back into their designated areas. Check around your seats and table for trash. After you get permission to leave, push in your chair and leave quietly. If it is the last period of the day, stack the chairs to one side of the table.
Line up at the door-Leave PHONES AND all personal items It is an automatic SILENT noise level First person out take the emergency RED FOLDER by the door and hold up the BLUE teacher sign so students behind you can read the teacher name. Leave the building, remaining in a single file line and a noise level of zero. Stay in line behind the person with the WIBEL sign. ANY VIOLATION is an automatic step! Line up on the field. REMAIN SILENT When we return you also walk back in a LINE
The classroom door will be closed and locked. The room will be SILENT. If you are out of the room, go to the nearest restroom, hide in a stall and wait until someone comes to get you. All students are to move to the back right corner of the room. We will sit on the ground in SILENCE until an announcement is made ending the critical lockdown. In a lock-in we will be allowed to move around the building but not go outside unless necessary.