Welcome: Dan Roberts - Deputy Headteacher saltash.net community school Being brave is the key to innovate and engage learners
.net saltash.net community school is: an mixed community comprehensive with 1337 students It has been a specialist school in Science, Maths & Computing with a Rural Dimension since September 2004 It has been a specialist school in Science, Maths & Computing with a Rural Dimension since September 2004
Steven Covey – The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People ‘The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing and the main thing is learning.’
Saltash Community School
We are the future
Monitoring animal behaviour via the school’s PigCam & Eggcam. Completing their homework via Twitter and Facebook. Visiting the Big Brother-style diary room. Broadcasting live to 30 million people in Indonesia. These are not gimmicks or PR stunts: the innovative experiences happening here are proving to be incredibly effective & happen on a daily basis Creative approaches to learning
While many schools ban mobile phones some are actively encouraging their use. Why would they do that? Are they an offensive weapon? Embracing New Technologies
Recharge the Battery
Social Networking sites can lead to bullying and can put young people in danger. Do these sites put them at risk or can they help improve the feedback from other students and adults? Embracing New Technologies
Facebook, Twitter & Ning
Why spend thousands of pounds on software when web 2.0 tools are free, easy to use and readily available? Why do schools filter these websites and stop students accessing them? Embracing New Technologies
“ Enhance our learning” “Make learning more interesting and fun” “Learning skills to prepare for our future” “Free, quick and simple to use” “Accessible in school, at home, anytime & anywhere” “They can be used in any subject” “Help connect school to home – our parents and teachers can talk” What do our students say about open source, social networking & web 2.0 tools?
Is playing computer games really bad for kids? Can it lead to increased levels of addiction? Does X (box) mark the spot? Embracing New Technologies
Is the advancement of technology making the world smaller? We are no longer confined to our own classrooms, corridors or country – just one click is all it takes… Embracing New Technologies
Creating the safety net to allow teachers and students to take risks
Propel your pioneers Give your creative lead innovators (all schools have them!) the time and resources they need to be successful. Allowing them opportunities to share this with the rest of your school community on a regular basis is essential to inspire others to follow in their footsteps Microsoft’s Partners in Learning programme CPD is the key to creating a culture
Nurture the next generation of talent Lead innovators must nurture others within the school community through peer coaching. Within a short time you will be inundated with new innovators wanting to revolutionize learning! Adopted Microsoft’s Peer Coaching programme CPD is the key to creating a culture
Engage & Inspire Encourage all learners (students and staff) to collaborate and share their good practice and examples of their innovations. This helps to create an innovative learning culture with a real buzz. CPD is the key to creating a culture
“I came away thinking it was one of the most thought provoking, inspiring events that I have ever been to and one of the first I could actually use in my own subject and straight away in my own classroom.” The possibilities are limitless…
‘The road is always better than the inn at the end.’ You can always share in our journey at Finally, enjoy the journey. As Cervantes said…
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