The Future of Journalism By Alexia Walters
Topic The influence advances in technology have had on print media and what this means for future news consumption. Especially relating to newspapers in small communities. Why do a creative project?
Questions Is there a place for several news mediums in the future, or will paper die out completely? Are newspapers an essential part of a democratic society? What are communities actually losing when they lose their local newspapers? Do you think communities are willing to fight to keep their newspapers open? Why do you think some newspapers fail and others succeed?
What makes technology a more appealing way to get news (TV, apps, Facebook, online newspapers)? What can other media outlets offer that print cannot? And vice versa? Do you think bigger media outlets need local newspapers (keystone media)? Does social media and citizen journalists help or hurt the idea of quality journalism?
What Scholars Say Current generation doesn’t read. Entranced by the Internet Look to social media for news Green movement (a question of efficiency?) Local newspapers connect people, both consciously and unconsciously. Civil engagement: the public’s participation in the community in order to improve conditions and shape the future [An informed electorate].
If a local newspapers stops printing, the effects are likely to be felt less by individuals and more by broadcast media outlets. Without the detailed coverage of local communities by newspapers, these new stations would have a harder time monitoring events around the area and would have to decided when to allocate funds to cover those events.
In a World Without Newspapers Forfeit of basic democratic rights Free speech can be influenced in big media outlets because of corporate influence and ownership. People in power control the news. Public opinion is unheard. Government actions go unwatched. Quality of news goes down as the quantity goes up Breaking news becomes more important than local happenings. Click bait
Loss of a local, historical, chronological guide to the town The newspaper helps the community have a conversation with itself that you don’t get in other ways. “…a community ought to be able to look in the mirror and see it’s newspaper looking back. And that image should include all their blemishes, their good side and bad side. And it should include clues on how to improve that image.” Local government is the most important part of your world because their decisions immediately effect you.
What Professionals Say “Democracy is built on the fact that, or the basis that people will make their own decisions once they have the information and if you don’t have the information and all you have are these screaming heads and the innuendo and the false statements which to base decisions, we’re in big trouble...” “I have old ladies tell me they have been reading it for 70 years and they’re not giving up. They still want their Casey County news...” “Given the current climate, how inefficient it is to publish something on dead trees, print it, somehow get it on the trucks, delivered to the people’s houses, that apparatus is very expensive and very inefficient.”
“I hope and I believe that in a free society, which is a supply and demand type of society for everything, that eventually people will demand good journalism and out of that demand will grow a business model for digital... And that’s when we’ll probably see the demise of newspapers.” “We’re going to go back, just like the food movement. Grow local, eat local, I think people are going to read local, and so I really don’t see it dying whatsoever. If anything I see it doing better.”
“Get the for-profit element of out of newspapers, and sort of just recognize there is a public need there. It’s kind of like sewer systems, telephone systems...garbage, it’s almost like a public utility. They don’t exist to make money per say, they exist to continue to exist; just enough money to keep them going. Newspapers almost need to go that route, because there is enough advertising and interest that you can keep a newspaper afloat you just can’t also spit off profits...”
Alternatives to Traditional Newspapers Social Media Broadcast News/Video Online Newspapers Sub forums, similar to Reddit Blogs ***Basically any trusted, common source of information from reliable people
Conclusions Newspapers may never disappear, but the need for an improved business model is still there. The one that was in place has become outdated and needs to be changed to make way for technology. This will in turn help newspapers, instead of hurt them.