GRIPIL ТT BY State Registration Number of GRIPIL is a preparation for pre-harvest treatment of oilseed rape crops made from natural substances. Thin natural elastic film is formed on the surface of plants after they were treated with GRIPIL. Formation of the film helps to reduce moisture and increases oil content in seeds. This doesn’t, however, prevent eupnoea and normal growth of plants. It also promotes uniform ripening of seeds, helps to avoid pod - cracking and loss of seeds, which substantially increases crop capacity. Preparative form of GRIPIL is emulsion concentrate. Field tests carried out by the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center for Arable Farming” in showed high efficiency of GRIPIL on the crops of winter and spring rape. Moreover, GRIPIL doesn’t affect fatty acid content in rapeseed oil and glucosinolate content in oilcake.
Crop capacity, centner per hectare Moisture, % Oil content, % Albumen content, % Winter rape Control GRIPIL* Nu-Film 17** Spring rape Control Not studied GRIPIL*** Not studied GRIPIL ТT BY State Registration Number of Consumption of preparations:* liter per hectare; **1.0 liter per hectare; ***1.3 liter per hectare GRIPIL can be used for treatment of pea, flax, mustard and other crops. Also it can be used as an additive to pesticide and fungicide formulations in order to increase their activity due to protection against washing-off.
Advantages Protects rape crops against losses caused by unfavorable environment. Regulates moisture obtained by pods. Promotes uniform ripening of seeds. Promotes saturation of seeds with oil. Environmentally safe. Reduces additional costs on drying of seeds. Provides high profitability of use Brief description GRIPIL is a transparent viscous liquid ranging from light yellow to greenish-brown color, easily soluble in nonpolar and chlorinated organic solvents, sparingly soluble, but readily emulsifiable in water. GRIPIL does not contain any carcinogenic and toxic substances. GRIPIL forms semipermeable film on the surface of oilseed rape pods, which prevents swelling of pods under influence of atmospheric moisture and keeps them from cracking under drying. GRIPIL ТT BY State Registration Number of
Making a working solution. Solution is to be prepared in the spray containers right before its use. Recommended consumption of GRIPIL is liter per hectare depending on crops development, which corresponds to liters of working solution per hectare. Preparation of the solution requires accuracy and thoroughness as the effect of GRIPIL directly depends on the above. It is not advisable to store the working solution of GRIPIL for more than 2 days. GRIPIL ТT BY State Registration Number of
Application GRIPIL is applied by spraying the plants with working solution, which is prepared in a tank sprayer immediately before use. Working solution is not recommended to store more than 2 days. Recommended consumption of GRIPIL is liter per hectare, which corresponds to liters of working solution per hectare. Spraying is to be performed 3-4 weeks before harvest during brightening the green pods of a rape. Spraying can be carried out through the whole day using any conventional sprayer. For the effective action of GRIPIL spraying should provide fog wetting of the plants. After treatment sprayer is to be rinsed thoroughly with water. Developer Producer Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems, “Stesmol & C” LTD. Belarusian State University Kosmonavtov 100, Leningradskaya 14, Grodno , Belarus Minsk , Belarus GRIPIL ТT BY State Registration Number of
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