Present Continuous ©Н.В.Егорова Гимназия №157 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Present Continuous ©Н.В.Егорова Гимназия №

Present Continuous используется  NOW  AT THE MOMENT

Present Continuous образуется am (be)is+ V- ing are I am He\She\It is We\You\They are

Present Continuous утвердительная форма  I am playing  He is playing  We are playing NOW

Составь предложения  The children / have/ breakfast.  The children are having breakfast.  The boys / play / football.  The boys are playing football.  He / swim / now.  He is swimming now.  I / go / to school.  I am going to school now.

Present Continuous отрицательная форма  I am not playing  He is not playing  We are not playing NOW

Составь отрицательные предложения  My sister / make / a cake.  My sister is not making a cake.  Tom and Bob / sing / a song.  Tom and Bob are not singing a song.  I / jump / now.  I am not jumping now.

Present Continuous вопросительная форма  Am I playing now ?  Is he playing now ?  Are we playing now?

Задай вопрос  Play tennis ? Jill: Is Jill playing tennis?  Swim? Kate and Bill: Are they swimming?  Sing? I: Am I singing?