STAR Panel Requests Round 1, Bocaccio Request #s 1, 4, 8, 9.


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Presentation transcript:

STAR Panel Requests Round 1, Bocaccio Request #s 1, 4, 8, 9

Request 1)Develop a prioritized list of significant changes to the CalCOFI index over time to compare the residual pattern in fits to the survey with respect to these changes.

1951 CalCOFI survey begins, first few years had very ambition station pattern (CA/OR border to Baja in 1951, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958–1960, 1969 and 1972). Also some data from previous years (late 30s-40s, very different survey designs, samples have not been re- sorted for rockfish). From only “core” CalCOFI stations ID’d for rockfish

Core stations versus actual station locations Earlier surveys included more “core” stations (52, 65, 75, 85), most of these dropped in mid-1960s, but opportunistically sampled (sporadically) in later years- currently those are their own “line- station” parameters, but a sensible thing would be to lump with consistently sampled core stations. Criteria for being “on-station” may have been lower in earlier years (difficult to quantify or assign a time period).

From effort was made to sample near monthly (not always successfully) From there was a nominal movement to a “triennial” survey that included more months, with occassional added sampling (note, years here adjusted to “spawning year” – our “1970” Nov-Dec really 1969…) From 1982 onward effort made to do quarterly cruises, emphasis on January and April

“Core” v. “North”- sampling always more intensive in core area, and northern area not sorted prior to 1969, not sampled most years between (signal primarily from core area, see 2009 assessment)

m. silk ring nets (mesh 0.55 mm) replaced with nylon ring nets (mesh mm), target depth from 140 to 210 meters. In 1978 nylon ring nets replaced by 0.71 m nylon bongo nets (mesh mm). Assumption little/no bias as samples standardized to volume water filtered - however has pondered that ring nets less efficient due to 3-cable bridle vs. single cable bridle for bongo nets (any bias low <1978)- also note bongos filter less volume per m.depth (2.0 v m 3 )

1969- Survey moves from roughly monthly each year to “triennial” pattern, data from north sorted to spp End of “triennial” period, to “quarterly”- northern stations dropped northern stations back, nearshore stations (SCOOS) added, two years intensive sampling in CCAs Design changes Gear changes m. silk ring nets replaced with nylon ring nets, target depth from 140 to 210 meters Nylon ring nets replaced by 0.71 m nylon bongo nets

1969- Survey moves from roughly monthly each year to “triennial” pattern, data from north sorted to spp End of “triennial” period, to “quarterly”- northern stations dropped northern stations back, nearshore stations (SCOOS) added, two years intensive sampling in CCAs m. silk ring nets replaced with nylon ring nets, target depth from 140 to 210 meters Nylon ring nets replaced by 0.71 m nylon bongo nets Design changes Gear changes

Very crude, rough look at PDO eras and residuals (we have looked at this before and not found a robust relationship, although there do seem to be declines associated with strong ENSO events and general patterns by regime-like periods.. Could look harder…

Request 4)Provide a comparison of mean catch rates inside and outside the CCA for the Harm’s H&L survey in years the survey was conducted in the CCAs. Also provide a time series of mean catch rates to the derived GLM index. Alternatively, if a GLM model has been run with the area inside the CCAs with a region effect, provide estimates of regional effects inside and outside the CCAs. Response provided by John Wallace, NWFSC

Average catch by hook of Bocaccio by year and CCA. The black points are the standard survey and the red point is from the 40 sites in the CCA (sampled only in 2014).

Total In 2014, 42 sites in CCA were surveyed, 4 of these sites were in the small ‘Area 2’ CCA west of San Diego. These sites comprised 6-7 reefs in CCA, which is ~2/3 of the potential reefs that could be surveyed in the CCA. The black circles are the standard survey sites and the red circles are sites within the CCA. The sites are averaged over all years they have been in the survey, which for the CCA sites is only The area of the circle is proportional to mean catch and a plus symbol (+) represents no catch of Bocaccio.

Average over hook of Bocaccio catch by site, year, and CCA. The black points are the standard sites and the red points are the 40 sites in the CCA. At some of the sites in the Area 2 CCA, 90% of the hooks caught Bocaccio.

Top- Average depth (m) over drops at a site by area inside or outside the CCA. Bottom Average over hook of Bocaccio catch by site, average depth (m) over drops at a site, and area inside or outside the CCA.

Request 8)Compare estimates of year-class strength from 2009, 2011, 2013 with current base case

Request 9)Provide marginal age fits. Context- first, should be stated that ~90 or so fish from commercial fisheries were non-randomly selected, to increase the sample size of larger, older individuals. We think we’ve flagged how many in each year, but have not re-run the marginal age fits to remove those fish. Approach- Set sample size to 1 for each year marginal age data (there is a “floor” at 1). Alternative is adding marginal age composition data with fleet set to negative- shows fits to year-specific data but doesn’t contribute to likelihood- but for some reason that does not show the aggregated marginal age comp data by fleet, which is useful. Confirm that there is no substantive change to other model estimates with approach 1. Age data start on slide 274 in r4ss output file.

Modest change in likelihood due to floor, but no change in basic model results or fits- so run adequate as diagnostic

All samples randomly selected (N= 471)